Chapter 8

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We walked to a bedroom on the ground floor that was near a kitchen. Still holding my hand he opened the door for me and I was mesmerized by what I saw. The bedroom only was twice the size of my apartment decorated in baby pink.  The floors were marbled white. I walked inside gawking  at the interior deco. Goodness, these people lived large.

Infron of me stood a queen size bed with a duvet still light pink in colour and I wondered how it would feel sleeping on it. I left Edward's hand and sat on the bed.
"Feels so soft" I muttered to myself only loud enough for Ed to hear. He chuckled and said, "its all yours now for the whole time you will be here working for me."
"I've never had anyone treat me so well. To what do I owe this humanity?" I asked looking down.
"Don't get your hopes up Em. You still don't know me and my fiancée for sure doesn't like you."

The words hit like a killer wave. What had made me feel so at ease with him, I don't know. Maybe his good looks and when he held my hands my heart beat at  thousand times and my stomach was full of butterflies. I had to be a good girl and respect the owners of the house while I worked here. I had to continue working as a waitress though, I still had other bills to pay and I thought of letting my new employer know.

"A penny for your thoughts?" He pulled me out of my trance.
"Will you mind giving me permission to still work as a waitress so that I can continue paying my rent and paying off other people's debts?"
"Not happening. Whatever I'll be paying you will be enough for rent and payoffs. I will not have a maid especially my maid working in a bar." He said as he walked to the door. He stopped at the door and without looking at me said, "freshen up, I need to show you around." And with that he left.

"Such a gentleman," I muttered to myself.
"I heard that!" He said popping his head inside my room making me chuckle. I left for the closet and was amazed at how big that thing was. It was also empty and I wondered what I would wear after shower. I had no option that to look for Ed to ask for something to wear or better still go to my house and get my things.

I looked around for a few minutes not finding him and heard something crash. I ran towards the sound and found Edward's hand bleeding.
"Hey, what's up!" I asked him slowly
"Everything's up. Get away from me." He muttered.
"Let me get a first aid kit" I told him slowly.
"I said, get the hell away from me!" He roared at me and I winced at his anger. I was so afraid of him that I ran to my room and closed the door behind me. 'God is he bipolar? One minute he's fine the next he's crushing glasses on his hands. I let the issue pass without asking and after freshening up and wearing the clothes I had I lay down on the bed not knowing where to start. I had to look for the maid that opened the door for us, maybe she can lend me something to wear.

I headed towards the backdoor and opened. What I saw was something i have never seen in a milli years! A flower garden going all round a perfect swimming pool. Then looking further there was a forest. I walked towards the forest and a little further there was a cave. " sweet Jesus! Just how rich is this dude?" I asked myself loudly.
"Rich enough." Someone answered  startling me to the core. "I was looking for you to apologize for my behaviour towards you earlier today."
"Its fine. Maybe you're stressed. No worries. Can we go back please?"
"Yes. Today you will rest then tomorrow you will start your work. Be faithful and don't lag on your job. Is that understood?" He asked me.
"Fully understood." I answered heading over to the kitchen to grab something to eat.
"And its your duty to make my coffee in the morning. That should be at 5.30am not later than that."
"You wake up at 5.30am? Isn't that too early?" I asked him folding my hands on my chest.
His gaze lingered on my hands or should I say my chest?
"My eyes are right here mister!" I snapped my fingers in front of his eyes.
"Sorry, uummh...what were you saying?"
"Nothing. Great evening ahead sir."
"Call me Edward when Irene isn't around." He said winking at me.

Three chapters at a go! The least you can do is think me😉

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