Chapter 5

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Em's Pov

One Friday evening, two weeks after the incident, police came to our workplace. They asked Myra my colleague where I was and since I was serving one of our tables they waited for me to be through. When I took too long Myra came over and whispered to me that there are people who wanted to see me.

"Who are they?" I asked her getting alarmed.
"They are the police. Anything you'd like to share? You know I can help.." She assured me shrugging her shoulders.
"Nothing that I know of. Let me finish with this, or, just take over. Let me go talk to them." I told her handing her my tray.

On this day I had worn a blue rugged jeans and a white top. I was looking a little pretty and with my brown colour it made me look a little too bright for my liking. I just had to wear them because I had no choice. I only owned two white tops which were part of the uniform we wore at the bar. I waltzed to them and said my greetings.

"We are very fine madam." One of the officers answered.
"What can I do for you?" I asked them fearfully
"You are under arrest for failure to pay back what you owe. We will discuss this once we get to the station. Should I read your rights?" He asked me.

I got so scared, so scared that my skin colour turned pink. I had never spent a night in jail and I didn't know who had authorized them to arrest me. I knew I had many pending bills and my house rent was in house rent. I suddenly remembered that the owner had warned me that should I not pay before Wednesday I would face his wrath. I had tried talking to him and he never wanted to listen to me. The apartment was way better than the one I was living in in Soweto.

I had to think of something, and that something needed to be thought about fast. Bribing officers was just not the way and when I got there, I was given my one phone call. The only person I could think about was Myra and when I called to tell her my predicament, she cut me off! I had no option than t wait for my landlord's verdict. He had the last word.

When we got to the station I was booked in and  thrown inside women's cells. There was a thin mattress on the floor and since I had lost all hope I decided to make myself comfortable as I wait for daybreak. Once I closed my eyes, I couldn't help but remember the handsome guy that had saved me at the alley. "I wish he would just appear out of nowhere and get me the hell out of here." I muttered to myself.

The following morning I was called out and was told to freshen myself up as I had to go to my landlord's house. I was picked by a very expensive car and sat at the back while two plain clothed policemen sat on my sides.

"Don't get nervous. He's not a bad guy and he cannot harm you." One of them assured me as he noticed my nervousness.
"Its hard you know." I answered him fidgeting with my fingers.
"I don't know what kind of a person he is. I told him to give me more time and I would eventually pay him." I added feeling so helpless.
"Maybe you didn't speak to the owner of the house. You only talked to the caretaker." He answered and smiled at me.

We had taken a different route and I hadn't noticed until I saw the suburbs we were in. The rich Man's paradise. That's the only name I could think of when I looked outside and awed by what I saw. The lawns were so well kept and trimmed, the flowers so beautiful. That was on the outside. We pushed forth and came upon a magnificent gate. This looked like either a gate to paradise of my entrance to hell. I would find out once I got in.

Been quite a while. Sorry for the late update. Not feeling well so I'm kinda struggling.

Where is this hell and who's in it?

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