Chapter 14

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Ed's POV

"B...but you don't even k..know her name! And here you are smiling like an idiot!" He continued hiccuping at his humour which I found annoying.
"You never know, maybe I'll find her home waiting for me." I answered him smirking.
"Let go out for something cold." He said grabbing my coat, which was the best way to get me going. I loved my coats and if anything my suit jackets came first.

"So, to what do I owe this treatment?" I asked him knowing very well that there was something brewing.
"We are here to talk about you. Since you hooked up with that bitch you have changed."
"How have I changed?"
"You are never happy. You need to look for a girl to lay."
"I don't need to get laid. I only need to put my shit together."
"Haven't you been saying that for the last two years Tony?"
"Stop calling me by my real name idiot. Someone may hear us."
"Sorry, sorry."
Apology accepted. Now can we get out of here?"

Each of us went home of course with a promise that I would look into things this time round, seriously.

I got home in a foul mood knowing that I'd be facing the bitch yet again. I had intended to go and then head straight to my bedroom until I decided to follow some voices to my sitting room.

There she was. But why was she sitting on the floor? I felt rage built inside me but I had to maintain my cool.

"To what do I owe this visit?" I asked eyeing her from head to toe. "And why is she sitting on the floor?"
"She's one of the tenants that haven't paid for the last six months." One of the officers said.
"How much does she owe?"
"About six thousand dollars."
"What? How did that money appreciate that much?"
"She stood in for a dude she had borrowed some money from."
"You can leave. Let me see what I will do with her." I told them and one of my maids opened door for them.

Now I had her here. I only need a plan to keep her.
"She will be a maid," Irene stated.
And just like that I had her at the palm of my hand.
"Don't you think its my decision to make?" Of course I had to look disinterested but deep inside I was yearning for the luscious lips to be on mine.

"I understand you were heading out.Irene. kindly excuse me. I need to speak with this lady here." And she left us alone, just what I needed.

"Tell me about your self."
She started speaking and the only thing I heard was her name. I watched her lips moving and I just couldn't stop ogling. After showing her to her room I felt something inside.

I fight this feeling and the only way to do that is taking some whiskey to cool my nervous self. I walk to my mini bar and take out Scottish whiskey fifteen years old and pour myself some.

I remember I am someone fiancé having feeling for a small upcountry girl and hate myself. 'What I'm I doing?' I asked myself getting angry at the thoughts and crashing the glass with my hands.

Princess, that's her new name, came running and inspected my hand. I shouted back at her but she was cool, too cool.
"I just want to take care of your hand." She told me and I shouted back at her to leave me alone. If she continued hovering around me I might as well do something that I might regret so I decided to give her space.

She went off  and I walked to my room. Thinking about how things unfolded i decided to apologise to her, something i have never done. After about two hours of debating with myself I went looking for her.

"Em! Em! Where the hell is this girl" I muttered to myself. Then I saw her just as she was leaving through the door to my pool. I watched her stand in amazement as she overlooked the beautiful serene place. She walked round and entered my little forest, that had a cave in. This is a place that even Irene doesn't know about. I never let anyone in here but I let her. It feels right, feels like I should just give her the freedom.

"Jesus, just how rich is this dude?" I heard her mutter to herself
"Rich enough." I answered her.

I apologized to her for being snappy and for Irene being such a bitch. I really hoped our stay here would be accommodating enough.

"Hkmmmmmm....."I cleared my throat to get her from the thoughts she had. I would give anything to know what she was thinking.
" is that my coffee?"
"Ummm...yes sir, here's your coffee. I never asked how you liked it"
"And where are you coming from?"  I  asked her sipping my coffee and fighting a moan. This was just how I liked it.
"Ummm...I..I..I was l.looking"
"I don't have all day young lady. I give a simple task and now your tongue seems tied"
"I was actually looking for your room to bring you the coffee sir." She answered me looking shy.
"Drop the formalities Em. She's not here."
"She is!" She said holding her mouth seemingly shocked at herself.
"Where is she?"
"Sorry, was just a slip of tongue. I haven't seen her."

I could tell from a mile away that she was hiding something and I intended in finding out. I went to the room Irene loved.

Opening the door slowly not to wake her up the room was illuminated with dim lights and I strained to see whether there was anybody. Feeling dissatisfied I switched on the lights and there my fiancée lay being hammered by my driver Mark.
"Mark? You have been screwing my driver? I asked her moving away.

I went downstairs and left Em standing there watching the drama unfold. This was so shameful. What would she think of me? That I don't satisfy in bed? Would she even get to think that?

We argued with Irene and I left for my bedroom slamming the door behind me anger boiling in me. After a while I heard someone being slapped and my guess was what made me  splint down the stairs like lightening. I found her on the floor almost loosing consciousness and I held her in my arms.

I took her to my room and gave Irene a piece of my mind before I saw some movement. Em was up and I was glad. I kicked Irene out and went to her asking how she felt. She seemed scared they she was in my room and asked what anyone would think. I assured her that its my room and she should feel free.

I couldn't contain myself for too long and therefore I kissed her, long and hard. I was so hungry for the lips that the only thing that made me stop is to get some air.

I did the one thing I was warned never to do. I apologized for kissing her. Stupid me!
She swung down her feet and got off the bed, "I should get going" she told me.

After the incident I stayed the hell away from her and refused to take her coffee until I got sick.

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