Chapter 6

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We entered what looked like a runway. This was something I had never ever seen. I looked around in awe and felt that I was in another world. We entered inside what looked like a mansion. I had sincerely never seen anything like this. Before we could even knock, the door opened and we were ushered in by a pretty woman who was about late twenties. She smiled warmly at us and greeted us bowing with respect.

I stood gazing at the beauty of the home. White walls with big windows that were draped in white. The couches were in off white colour and marbled white floor. The endless stairs were also in white with black railing bringing out the beauty of them.

I was pushed forward by one of the officers and told to sit on the floor. Well, I couldn't say I was uncomfortable because the floor had cream white carpet with a black patch in the middle. I was more comfortable than in my own apartment. This room only was thrice the size of my small apartment.

Walking gracefully down the stairs was a pretty woman. She was wearing a short dress that almost showed us her behind which consisted of...nothing! Argggg....I lamented,
'how does such a pretty lady have no ass?
She's a model for crying out loud
That was the conversation I was having in my ugly head. She came directly at me as the men ogres at her beauty.
"Bitch! Stop staring! Its fucking bad manners!" She snapped at me hitting the back of my head.

"We are here to see....." One of the officers started
"My fiance who happens to be out at the moment. What do you want? Make it fast as I'm about to go out."
"Well, this is a matter to be discussed by us and your fiance so if you don't mind, give us a break!" The other officer said.
"Excuse me! This is my fucking house and.."
"And what? From where I stand you're just his fiancee not his wife and this..." He illustrated with his hands, "isn't in your name other than your fiancé. So shut the hell up and concentrate on your pathetic life."
"I'm sure Ed will be very happy with you after he hears how you have just talked to me." She threatened

" No need to worry. I heard it all."
The gorgeous dude from two weeks back appeared wearing a blue suit, though draping the suit jacket on his shoulders. He had folded his crisp white shirt to his near elbows his abs showing through his shirt and his broad shoulders screamed power.

"To what do I owe this visit?" He asked in a husky voice after eyeing me from head to toe. "And why is she sitting on the floor?"
"She's one of the tenants that haven't paid for the last six months." One of the officers said.
"How much does she owe?"
"About six thousand dollars."
"What? How did that money appreciate that much?"
"She stood in for a dude she had borrowed some money."
"You can leave. Let me see what I will do with her." He told them and the pretty maid opened door for them. One of the officers, the good one gave me 'sorry' eyes, like he knew what awaited me.

Short but please forgive me

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