Chapter 22

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Ed's POV

"We are not here to catch up. You better start talking coz I'm a busy man." I told him angrily as he took the wine gluttonously.
"Her name is.."
"I fucking know what her name is. Tell me everything I need to know now and quit fucking around with words." I snapped.
"Its either you be patient or I just leave!" He said smirking. I wished I could just wipe that stupid smirk off his face.
"Okey, okey..continue," I gestured for him to go on swallowing my pride.

She was born by a woman who later died. To us that was a sign that she was a reject, an outcast and therefore nobody wanted to be associated with her. She was not allowed to touch or go near anyone and anything." He stopped to take a gulp from the wine glass then continued.
"She had to be taken in by the next woman her father could marry and being the first born in the home she was the one to do everything. We treated her with dignity but she was a spoilt brat who slept with everything that came her way. I also decided to ask for her eskinunu and she gladly accepted. We were caught and I was banned from the village." He finished laughing like an idiot.

I stood angrily and looked at him with burning eyes. I couldn't believe that she was a spoilt brat. How? She had slept with many men? At that I gagged but I just couldn't believe it and I decided to dig more. But now with this information there was nothing I could do and it left me more devastated than before.

My phone rang and dismissing the so called uncle I went to receive it in my study.
"She has met with a certain man, actually a man she has been seeing for quite a while now and looking closely the car they are in looks a little off. Like a vehicle that had gone to the suburbs or to a farm. Should I probe?"
"Yes please." With that I was off the call. "I'll find you baby, I must find you.
Its now three weeks without any trail. My guy spoke to Irene and her buddy but got nothing but I still have hope that she would be found.

Irene has been coming to me for little favours like taking her for shoppings but I'm not bowing to her stupid requests.

Six months and still nothing and I decided to call my buddy for a drink. I was literally going insane and I had to calm my nerves. My friend decided to quit on me the last minute citing his woman had called and it had been a while since they were together. I was left to languish in my pain and making booze my girl for the night. This was before a very pretty lady, who somehow resembled my Em came to me introducing herself as Maya. She wanted a night with me but I had to turn her down. She continued pastering me and gave in after a couple of the gold liquor.

I called my driver to pick us up and take us home. He pulled up front and helped us inside the car where I attacked the woman with my hungry kisses. I had been celibate waiting for my Em but never got the chance to make love to her other than stealing a few smouches.

"Kinky much ha?" Maya asked
"Can't wait to devour you" I slurred
"Can't wait to have you inside me," she winked at me.

Women would bow to me, kiss the very ground I'm walking in but I always turned them down. Getting home I started kissing her immediately, doing away with our clothes before we got to my bedroom. When we got there I tried it but I just couldn't do it. Our bedroom with Em smelt of her and I felt I just couldn't do that to her.

"Get dressed and take the bedroom at the end of the hallway." I told her not looking at her.
"I have nothing to change into." She said making me think fast.
"Walk into that closet and find something to wear." I told her.

She walked to Em's closet and looked through her clothes getting one nightie.
"So you're married?" She asked.
"No. She was my girlfriend but just disappeared into thin air."
"Who Em?"
That made the hairs at the back of my head stand and all the alcohol leave my system.
"Do you know her?" I asked her walking menacingly towards her.
"She's my sister. And she's good at disappearing like that especially when things don't work her way." She said.
Now that made me want to know more about the girl I had housed for so long, a gold I had grown so fond of. But there was a small part of me that didn't like the girl standing in front of me.

How about thaaaaaaaat!
I'm so thankful to you my readers for taking time to read my work, although recently I've been updating slowly.
I will be updating more oftenly in the future. I am currently working on another story but will write a few chapters before posting it here.

Please, leave a comment, makes me feel the urge to write more, and vote and share too for others to enjoy.

Will post another one in the evening. Lovely day💖

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