Chapter 25

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Maya's POV

"So, can we go out for some shopping then later to a restaurant to catch up?" I asked her smirking.
"What's with you Irene? Why are you like this? I have never heard you stammer." Edward asked looking at Irene sarcastically.
"I am not feeling well. I think I will go lie down." She excused herself walking back to the bedroom.

"Well this is new! Now, gather your things and leave. You were leaving anyway right?" Edward asked me and I knew I had to think of something fast if I wanted to stay for a while. And unfortunately I couldn't think of anything.

"Uuuughrrrr....." I groaned feigning a headache.
"What's wrong with you?" He asked me looking seriously at me.
"I have a pretty bad headache." I answered him hoping that he let's me stay for a while.
"Go lie down on that couch. I'll bring you some Advil," he answered giving me a cocky look.

Once he was out of sight I went to the kitchen and removed the sleeping pills that I never leave being especially when I'm going to a mans house and emptied the pack on Edward's coffee that was halfway done and hoped that he would take it in a few gulps and sleep. He came down and went directly to the kitchen making me cross my fingers.

He came back with two mugs of coffee and gave me one which I hoped wasn't the one laced.
"I have mixed the cups. So I don't know which is which and since you have already kissed me I don't think there would be a problem of you took one that I was having right?"
Well that came as a shocker and if he truly mixed the cups then I knew I was doomed.
"Its okey. I don't have a problem, plus I wouldn't mind kissing you more," I told him taking the mug from his hands.
He sat down with me and took his coffee slowly devouring the sweet taste it left on his mouth.

"I think I'll need to go back to bed. I don't feel too fine to go ahead with office work." He told me getting up and walking to his bedroom, no their bedroom.
"Okey. Maybe I'll join you." I joked but he never spared be a glance but requested that I leave immediately after finishing my coffee.
'I don't think so handsome boy. I have to do something to keep you.' I told myself smiling at his back.

Once I knew he was dead asleep, I went in and undressed him and myself, lying naked with each other and enjoying the warmth he was emitting. I fell asleep faster than I finished my coffee.

"The fuck! Get the hell up!"
We woke up to an irate Irene pouring water on us.
"So you're now whoring with everything in skirts you idiot?" She asked Edward who woke up confused.
"What the fuck happened here?" He asked boiling with rage especially after finding out that he was dressed in his own skin only.
"Fuck you! And you whore of a sister! I wish I didn't ki...." Irene shouted stopping and realizing she had said too much.
"You wish you had not what!?" At this point Edward was already dressed fully and holding Irene by the neck.
"S..sorry. I..I..I.."
"Stop fucking stuttering and say again what you just said." He bellowed making me jump and start shivering like a leaf.
"I didn't mean anything. It was just a slip of the to..."
She didn't get to finish before she was slapped hard by Edward making me fear him big time. I started putting on my clothes and tried walking to the door to leave.

"Don't you dare step out of that doo. Otherwise you will wish you were never born!" He said to me still looking at a crying Irene. I knew the moment of truth was not far.
His phone rang and he left Irene walking to the console and picking up his phone. This was an opportunity to leave and I made for the door. Both of us ran down the corridor and to the main door then towards the basement garage. I was sure Irene had her car and when I saw one car getting unlocked I made a beeline for it. I opened the codriver side and literary commanded her drive out faster than her blubbering mouth.

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