Chapter 19

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Irene's POV

"We have a problem." I informed Eric.
See Eric was the man making my life a living hell but that was something I had to endure. He would ask for weird payments when I asked for favours. Sometimes he would ask for money, other times he would ask me to look for a bitch he would fuck to death and the latest was for him to fuck me senseless.

This didn't sit well with me. I had never ever had sex with a man, that was that hard, ruthless. I hated this man with a passion but unfortunately he was the best that there was.

When the witch was brought to my house I noticed the way Edward, my Edward looked at her. I wished he would look at me like that and I felt a knot in my stomach. I felt like I would just wipe her from the face of this earth. Now my plans were halted because of the bitch and there was nothing I could do about it.

I laid a plan in place but before I could execute it, Edward caught me with Mike shagging. I had been shagging him for a while now because I had caught him carrying a whore in his car and threatened to expose him to Ed. He feared him so he had to cow to my demands.

I wanted sex as I couldn't get it from my man. I was dying inside so I had to do something. After stupidly getting caught I had to do something to spite the bitch. I heard her approaching and threw myself at my fiancé. After catching us I saw the pain in her eyes and I knew I had scored, 1-0!

"Another bitch is in the picture. We will have to postpone again." I told him with a finality not waiting for him to respond.

I walked to his office to look for something for more clues about Edward. Unfortunately the door was locked so no way to get anything.

Since now I was idle I had to think of something to do. I called Eric again to know whether he would take care of the little problem of the other bitch and he said that that's not his work. Grabbing my purse I headed out, I needed a strong drink away from anyone that I know except of course my bitch Suzy.

"Bitch where are you?"
"I have work to do you ass. Putting a meal on my table is not a joke." She answers back.
"Meet me at scratch in about twenty!"
"I'm not footing any bills!" She snaps back.
"Like you ever do?"
"See you in twenty."

I huff and grab my car keys walking out of the mansion and to my latest car, a black Mercedes bought with lots of love by my one and only Eddy!

In fifteen minutes I arrived at Scratch and ordered double vodka on the rocks. This was the start of a good long night, or so I thought.

In about thirty minutes in walks Suzy looking all pretty. She always dresses slutty, no pun intended.

"Hey yo bitch! At last you're here." I greet her hugging the breath out of her.
"Yeah yeah...can I breath now?"

I release her and we are back to our seats. She orders some double whiskey and we get to talking. We share lots of stupid things as the booze keeps coming. In a while we hit the dance floor and shake our booties with men trying to grind on us. This arouses my sexual urge and I excuse myself to go to the washrooms.

A man I had realized was following me got inside the washrooms with me pinning me on the walls and kissing me senseless. I held one of my fingers to stop him  and peed while he watched. He licked his lips seductively and within no time he was banging me out of my brains.

After the quicky I went back to see Suzy making our with a guy. She was so into it that she didn't realize more men were joining her. I tried getting her off the hook but she would hear none of this. At last I gave up and watched as numerous men had a way with her and she let it happen. She looked like she was enjoying it. Being fucked on the dance floor.

After she was done, I called an uber for us to take us home. I decided to spend the night at Suzy's. When we got there, we found the door wide open and every little thing turned upside down. Due to our drunken state we didn't bother calling the police but got in and headed straight to bed.

In the course of the night I felt someone squeezing themselves on me and I panicked. I opened my eyes and could see a silhouette of a man hovering on me.

"Dare say a thing and this knife goes through your stomach." He warned.
"Please don't hurt me." I pleaded with the assailant.
"No harm will come to you if you just comply." He said smirking evilly.

I am used to sleeping with nothing on. I like it that way anyway so it made it easier for the assailant to have his way with me. Well, I must say he had the best dick I had ever tasted and I enjoyed every piece of it. Seeing that I was enjoying the sex he continued doing it sensually until we both had our release. From then I slept like a baby only to be woken up by a loud bang on my door.

"Bitch wake up! We need to clean the place!" Suzy snapped at me.
"Go away! Do it yourself. Since when did you see me lifting my finger?"
"Alright. Whatever makes you sleep at night." She muttered without a care in the world.
"Oh and I heard you moaning. Were you having sex?" She asked making me fully woke.
"Oh my God! I was raped and I enjoyed every part of it." I said holding my mouth with the palms of my hands.

This is how fucked up my life was. I was having sex left right and centre. But I had to get it elsewhere since my all so glorious fiance wouldn't let me touch or even go near him since the witch came to our home. I had to do something, and that had to be soon, very soon.

Sorry been away for a while....

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