Chapter 13

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Edward's POV

I had a hectic day in the office, well I couldn't say day outrightly but my days always start very early and on this day I decided to get myself some coffee from a coffee booth just a few metres from my office.

This is shit I don't do because after all I have someone to do them for me. But on this day I didn't even want anyone knowing where I was going. They would snitch on me like the bitches they are. Always telling my fiancée of my whereabouts.

Where do I start? Probably you're saying 'anywhere is okey.' Well let me start from here. I am a workaholic. My father  John Riddick was a Russian warlord wanted for the crimes he committed and when Russia became too hot for us he shifted us to South Africa which was away from prying eyes of the media and people around us.

Edward has never been my real name. I have never let anyone know my name, that includes my fiancée Irene. My mother was Rwandese but passed on even before I got to know her. Fortunately I have her photos and I know her like the back of my hand.

From the stories given by dad, she was the best person to be around. She was humble and quiet and was always good to people, good and bad. Her face had a big cut that run from just above her left eye down to almost her throat. This was a constant reminder that she came from the Tutsi and was a refugee in Russia before she met dad. How they met, well, let's just say they never met in the best of circumstances.

They had been nabbed by the Policia, plenty of women, pretty women. The police being hungry for money called dad who was into human trafficking and he bought all of them, sending them to his brothels all except one, my mother.

Once he lay his eyes on her it was love at first sight. He held her like an egg, running a hand across her wound which was barely healed. I'm I telling the story as if I was there? Well, papa would let us know about it over and over again. By us I mean I have a brother, George,  younger than me by two years. We look almost alike but he's a little shorter than me and a go getter.

On this day as I was walking out of the coffee shop a girl I suspected three or four years younger came out of nowhere and hit me making the hot coffee spill on me. She stopped for a while apologizing before speeding off again. Three men went after her and my gut told me that she was in danger. I caught up with her and she hit me with her bag which made me feel like I had been hit with a metal.

I engaged the stupid dudes and paid a whole lot of money for her release, something I have never done with anybody.

She wore clothes that looked like rugs but she was damn beautiful. She his her beauty so well, or maybe she didn't know how pretty she was and I wished she would be mine. But how with Irene who knows my secret around? How when I am not the best person to be her man? How being a man who has somebody's blood on my hands? Unfortunately Irene, who happens to be a rich brat is on my neck and I need a plan to lay her off.

I had a day to rest in the house but with Irene nagging me about having a baby I decided to go to the office and do a few things. I got to the office and found my personal assistant  Susan on call. I passed her cubicle and went directly to my office. Slouching down on my seat started going through a report I had given my PA.

I felt so overwhelmed and every time I felt like so my mind would always wander to the pretty girl I paid a debt for. Sometimes I would think of how she looked at me with her pretty brown eyes and I would smile. It was during one of these moments that my financial controller and my best friend entered my office without knocking.

"Why are you smiling alone?" Gabriel asked
"I'm I supposed to be crying?"
"Is someone I know in love? Irene the bitch right?"
"Ruining moods is what you do best."
"The pretty lady without a name?"

I smiled at him and he just couldn't hold in. He let out a thunderous laugh and I had to smack his head to silence him.

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