Chapter 21

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Ed's POV

I got to the office and commenced on my work. Opening my laptop I skewed through a few documents that needed proof reading that had been submitted by my secretary. I couldn't go through a paragraph without thinking about her. I had decided that I had had enough of blueballs and cold showers at night and I had to ask her out.

She was the most beautiful thing that has ever happened in my life. Previously I had only one lover. She was my everything until I walked on her with my best friend. She tried explaining to me but I just wouldn't listen to a cheat. I wish I did.

She had been blackmailed by my very best friend then, currently my worst enemy with some photo shopped photos and had fallen for the lie. She couldn't take her loosing me easily and she threw herself over the cliff plunging to her death. I was devastated and swore never to love again but with Em, I felt like everything was falling into place.

I couldn't think! I decided to give her a surprise and deliver the evening dress to her personally. I left in a huff for the stores and got her a beautiful baige sequins dress. I had it wrapped like a gift and headed home to my girl.

On getting to the gate I saw some fresh pair of tyres but didn't give it much thought. I want inside the house calling out her name only for Irene to walk down the stairs in all glory.
"Where is she?" I asked her ignoring her open arms
"Who are you talking about? Is that mine?" She asked feigning innocence.
"Not in a million years. Its for my girl."
"But I am your girl?l" she asks exasperated.
"Em is". I snap at her.

" Em! Baby! Where the fuck is she!" I call her out getting worried.
"Some man came for her here. She's not in the house." Irene tells me smirking. I wish I could just wipe that stupid smirk off her face.
"Which man? She knows nobody around here." I tell her heading to our bedroom to take a look. Maybe she's hiding from this bitch' I mutter to myself.
"I told you she left!" Irene tells me one more time.

I tried  calling her phone and nothing is forthcoming. Never once did I think of looking at the cameras. I called the office to cancel all my appointments and headed to the police station to record a statement. This was proving difficult and I had a feeling that Irene was part of her  disappearance.

I decided to head to her former work place and ask around. Still, nothing. By the time evening came I was totally exhausted and couldn't look anymore. I went back home to find Irene taking some wine. She offered me some and I vehemently refused heading over to our bedroom.

"You're going to spend the night in that bedroom knowing very well that maybe she's getting a bang from another man?" Irene asked me making me stop.
"I think I need that drink now." I told her feeling exhausted. I needed to know what was happening and I decided to do a background check on her, my Em.

I take the drink from Irene's hand and proceed to our bedroom. I don't take a single sip because obviously I don't trust her. She can have me drugged and rape the shits out of me. I decide to call my IT guys and tell them to do a thorough background check on Em. I don't even know her full name. I decided to go through her belongings until I found he identity card. Uyathakatha Emazaneni. That's a pretty hard name. I gave out the name to my guys and ordered they get back to me in an hour with everything I needed to know.

I fell asleep as I was so exhausted only to be woken up half an hour later by the blaring of my phone's ringtone, O Safa Mbongeni Ngema. I loved his music and had heard Em humming the song one too many times and therefore knew she also loved his music.

"She's from the Zulu land. Her parents are both alive but there's something not right about her childhood and growing up. We have managed to get a hold of her uncle who doesn't live very far from you and has offered to relay any important information to you about her if at all you're interested."
"Get me her uncle now." I said with a finality. I need to get to the bottom of this.

Meanwhile Irene had left for God knows where without letting me know which was normal for her. I had her followed too as I didn't trust her one bit.

A little after 9.00pm someone knocked at my door. I expected the uncle and so opened my door. I had instructed my gatemen to open up for them. They would come in with one of my bodyguards. On opening the door I couldn't believe it.

"You? Levi? How? What's your full names?" I enquired not quite getting it.
"Levi Yamoto." He answered.
"Sit down and let's have a talk. Would you like anything to drink?" I asked him looking at him closely. He was taking in the features of my house and I gathered he had never seen anything like this before.
"Some fine wine please. I'm sure you have plenty here." He answered smiling foolishly.

He looks wicked. I thought to myself but had no option that to listen to him speak about my girl. I would leave no stone unturned until I find her.

Two updates on one day!!!

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