Chapter 10

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He woozed past me like I never existed and Irene was right behind him.  I looked at them running after each other and I smirked. Day two and the dramas were like good morning greetings. I turned back towards Irene's room and saw Mark leaving Irene's room looking disheveled mumbling at himself.

"Babe its not what it looks like, please listen to me." She whined as she tried to catch up.
"Don't you fucking babe me." He roared at her and continued walking towards my room!
"Are you now going to her room? Are you fucking her too?"
"Irene its day one of her job. How can I possibly be fucking her? And by the way that's none of your fucking business."
"Don't you dare speak to me like that. You know what I can do to you!" She exclaimed making Edward stop in his tracks.
"Go ahead and do your worst!" He said and walked inside my bedroom slamming the door behind him.

Mark came over to me and gave me an apologetic look. I only looked at him and shook my head as he went down the stairs and out of the house. All this while I was rooted at the top of the stairs where Edward had left me unable to move as I wondered where I would go to. Irene had walked inside the kitchen, so that was a no go zone for me and Edward was in my room so never going in. 

I went down the stairs and to the store where they kept the cleaning equipments. The house manager I had seen the previous day was nowhere to be seen and I assumed I was the one to do everything. I took what was needed and started cleaning the house. Before I could even do a quarter here came Irene with her tantrums.

"For how long have you known Ed?" She asked me looking at me with dagger eyes.
"Since yesterday." I answered slowly continuing with my work.
"Stop lying you witch! Why has he just walked inside your bedroom? Are you sleeping with him?"
"Do you want me to?" I asked her corking my eyebrow.
"A bitchy witch I see! You need to stop what you're doing as I speak to you! Give me respect as the owner of this house." She told me pointing a finger at my face.
"So says the mighty Irene!" I retorted back at her. This made her give me a sounding slap that echoed throughout the house. And considering I hadn't taken a thing I fell with a thud and the last face I saw was Edward's.

I woke up in a strange room with Edward holding my hand and Irene standing at the window facing outside. I immediately felt afraid as memories started flooding back of how I used to be abused by the people I called family.

Edward noticed that and told Irene to get out. She cast me a hateful look and walked away.

"How are you feeling Em?"
"Dizzy but okey. Nothing I can't handle. Where I'm I?"
"In my room."
"Shit! I need to get out. What happens if anyone comes in?"
"Its my room. Nothing to worry you."
"What would they think? That maybe..."
He cut me short by kissing me long and hard, like a child having candy for the first time.

"Uum....I'm sorry." He told me as he looked away.
"I should get going." I told him as I swung my legs on the floor walking towards the door. I muttered a thankyou and walked out towards the kitchen to have some water. He came after me and handed me some Advil which I gladly took. I sat on the kitchen island waiting for my throbbing head to stop aching and in a few minutes I went to continue with my work.

Throughout the day I saw neither of them until I heard some shuffling in one of the rooms downstairs. I went towards the nice and lo and behold there they were making out! I felt like crying and when Irene saw me she smirked at me knowing that I felt something for his man. I bowed my head and walked out. I had showed my enemy how vulnerable I can be! Shit!


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