Chapter 26

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Apologies for being so silent. I have been critically I'll but now I am fine. Let's continue from where we left, shall we?

Edwards POV

I let them leave because I knew one of them would come back to me. And also getting wouldn't be issue. I put on my jacket and carried the two mugs we had used to my lab friend.
"I need these labels and tested for any toxins."
"How have you been Tony?"
"Fuck! Shut it! Nobody knows my real name here."
"Sorry Edward" He answered smiling
"How long will it take?"
"Faster than you can walk out of this building."
"Sad that you will have to call me." I told him leaving the premises and walking towards the park. A park we both loved, where I cherished our memories. I sat down on one of the benched and pulled out an untraceable phone and called one of my men to follow Irene. Getting done with the phone I drowned myself with her memories. A lone tear left my eye especially once I remembered what bond we shared. We were the best of friends and she just disappeared. How will I ever move on? How can I ever forgive myself? By the time I was through I was crying like a baby. I can never move on from her. I wished I could see her one more time.
"Just one time God please," I begged the supreme being hoping he would hear my cry.
"Here I am baby." A voice startled me. A voice that sounded more like my Em.
"Em? My baby?" I called out without turning because I knew I was hallucinating just as usual.
"Turn around babe."
"I always turn around to find you gone. Promise me you're here with me. When I turn around I'll see you here." I said crying some more.

She held me from behind circling her arms around my torso. "I am right here. I promise." She quietly said making me turn abruptly praying that my mind was not playing tricks on me.
"Em? Baby?" I called her turning around and looking at her face.
"I am here. Its me. No mind games. Touch me baby, look at me." She told me tears flowing on her lovely face.

I touched her face and truly it was her in flesh and blood.
"Where have you been? I looked all over for you. What happened? I was to take you out and I decided to bring the dress myself earlier that anticipated and I found you gone. I tried looking for you for months but I got nothing at all." I blabbered crushing her in a hug.

"I'm not breathing." She lamented laughing angelically.
"Oh sorry." I told her releasing her just a little bit.
"I'm never gonna let you out of my sight ever again," I told her breathing in her hair. "Tell me, where did you go?"
"Its a long story and I promise to tell you later but right now, how about we go to a quiet place where I can lie on this chest." She told me making me chuckle. She always had ways of making me smile.

We headed to one of my hotels where I ordered that nobody said where I was was and with whom. They all understood and we went to my penthouse at the very last floor of the hotel and locked the door behind us.  I turned her around and kissed her mercilessly. This was something I wished I could do for the longest time. She kissed me with equally the same vigour devouring every part of each others mouth.

"Are you sure about this?" I asked her kissing her neck
"Never been this sure. Make love to me Ed." She begged.
"How about we do this the right way?" I asked of her but she would here non of it.
"If you don't this now I'll get it from elsewhere. I've waited for you for long enough." She said looking me in the eye and I just couldn't ignore the erotic look in her eyes.
We couldn't wait to undress each other and buttons came off flying all over the  place. I carried her to the bedroom kissing her hard and laid her on the soft bed without breaking the kiss. I trailed the kisses down to her Breasts taking one at a time at one hand played with the other nipple and the other played with her clit. She moaned my name shivering and I knew she was near orgasm. Before she could she let out a cry and started shivering.

I held her down wondering what the matter was and stroked her shaking body whispering sweetly to her ears. She cried softly after the bad episode and I was dying to know what had happened because it clearly was a bad thing. I held her face and kissed her softly laying beside her waiting for her to calm down and let me in on everything.

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