Chapter 17

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Em's POV

Edward would open his eyes then close them. The medications must have been very heavy. The only person he would see was me. Irene had not stepped foot in this hospital ever since I brought her fiancé here.

I would spend the night with him and bathe him in the morning. He would always be grateful to me and I would let him know that I was just doing my job. I would spend the nights fantasizing about him and the words he used, 'my Em'. Happiness and fear would grip me anytime I though about Irene and would quickly switch my mind to think about everything else but not Edward.

Day four he was ready to head home. Although a little weak he looked equally strong. During our stay in the hospital I would give him stories about the village, sometimes I would exaggerate just to make the stories sweet but never did I tell him what my child life was. I was too ashamed to even think that my mother my own mother would give my innocence to my uncle.

We walked out and hopped inside a waiting taxi. I looked outside not wanting to meet his eyes that I felt all over me. I felt sad that my little freedom would be taken away the minute I stepped inside the house.

We got to the gates and after keying a few digits the gates opened and the driver continued his drive to the house. After paying him we got out of the cab and bowing my head headed to the door to open for my boss.

"Hey," he called silently, "don't run away from me. I need to thank you for saving my life. Were it not for you I really don't know what would have happened.
" You're welcome sir. After all, its part of my work to look after you." I told him looking shyly at his nice chisels face.
He held my shoulders and gave me a warm hug kissing my hair. Before we could even move the door opened revealing a very pissed Irene.

"Have you not finished whatever you were doing out there for four days? And you still bring back this slut back to our home?" She uttered looking at me clenching her hands and her jaws twitching.
"I...." I started
"We are not yet through. In fact I decided to finish whatever we had here. So, if your were what you insist you are you would let me have my little fun. After all, its you I am marrying right?" He answered her sarcasm racing through his every word.

He took my hand and walked with me to my bedroom shutting it behind him. He walked to my closet to get a towel for shower and as he entered the bathroom, I saw that as my cue to leave. His words hurt like a bitch and I vowed in my heart never to let him take advantage of me.

I walked to the kitchen to prepare lunch and I found a new help already at it. I asked if I could help and she let me.

Irene walked in the kitchen and grabbed a glass. She opened the fridge and poured herself some juice. She took it slowly throwing daggers at me.  She poured the cold juice on me sneering at me and said, "just so you know, even if you give him your nose to fuck, he will still get married to me. So little whore, I'm joining you both tonight for a threesome. Oh and of course with a condom. You could be carrying some dangerous disease." Then she spat at me and left for God knows where clicking annoyingly on the marbled floors.

I have never felt that humiliated in my life. It was one thing to be humiliated by Edward but it was completely different when it came to Irene. This time round I made up my mind. What come may, I will be the one walking down the isle because nobody hurts me like that and goes Scott free. I made it my business to dig into Irene's life and gather all the dirt I could in her but one thing would stand on my way, money.

After lunch which Edward had to know that I had a hand in preparing I decided to lie down as Edward headed to his home office. I slept for a while and woke up to a person entering my room. Looking outside I noticed it was already dark. Looking closely at the figure in my room I realized it was Edward taking off his shirt and trousers. He was left in only briefs and I couldn't believe the dude looked that good.

One thing for sure was the fact that truly that man was well endowed. I couldn't wait to have him and scream his name so hard that Irene would throw herself from the roof top down and break all her bones for all I care. I saw the lights on in the bathroom and the shower running and I decided to still be 'asleep' when he walked out of it. I had to look and fantasize more.

Hearing the shower turned off I decided to play dead asleep. I looked at him from my peripheral view and gasped silently when he dropped the towel walking around in all glory and picking one of his briefs which I hadn't noticed were here and wearing them. Then he wore blue pair of jeans and a white T-shirt revealing his perfect six packs.

"Are you done watching or do you want more?" He asked me smirking and I squimed under his watch feeling embarrassed that I had been caught.
"You don't have to hide it. I like you just as much." That remark made my blood boil.
"Is that why you want to use me then marry Irene?" I asked him looking him in the eye.
"Relax babe. Don't tell me you didn'thear the sacarsm in my words." He smiled at me and walked towards me holding me by my shoulders and giving me a peck on my cheek. That made butterflies flutter in my stamach. I had never felt like this before.

"Let's go get something to eat before it gets cold, shall we?"
"Let me freshen up, I'm right behind you." I answered him as I walked to the bathroom to get a shower.

"So now you have decided to be sleeping in a maids bedroom?" That was Irene asking Edward in a dangerous tone.
"What's wrong with that? After all, she took...." He went silent.
"She took what damit!" She asked slamming to table with her well manicured hands.
"Nothing. Why can't we have peace at least for once in this house. Can't you be silent for once in your life?" He asked her coldly making her back down.
"Yes I have decided to be sleeping in her bedroom and incase you're wondering, we have been making sweet love every night. Now if you excuse me, I have suddenly lost my appetite. With that he walked out of the room looking at nobody but me.
"My love, follow me. We can eat takeouts as someone here will never let me have some peace of mind" he told me holding my hand.

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