Chapter 12

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I looked at him closely and realized he's not really sleeping. He held my hand and pulled me to him. I sat down on the bed, my insides trembling wondering if its real. Fearfully I got inside the sheets and he wrapped his hand around me, nudging his head on the crook of my neck.

Within no time sleep engulfed us and took us to dreamworld. I woke up with a start and realized we were sleeping in an awkward position. Before I could move Irene bagged in the room finding us in a compromising position!

"Bitch! Get the hell away from my man!" She shouted at me making me unentangle myself from Edward in lightening speed.
"I....I .....I'm sorry ma'am..... Please k...k...keep your voice..umm..down." I stuttered while answering her.
" who are you to tell me to keep it down?" She seethed down at me with anger.
"Because I would really appreciate." Edward answered trying to get up.
I ran towards him to help him up and Irene completely lost it hitting me on my head with the gold clutch she was holding. I fell down releasing Edward who hit his head on the head board.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" He asked her this time calmly.
"I should be the one here holding you not her." She answered looking at me seething with anger.
"We were never meant to be Irene. Just get the hell out of my house."
"I am going nowhere!"
"Then I'll leave and never look back. And I'm leaving with her."
"I'll have all your accounts locked. Don't forget I have something on you." She told him grinning.

He got up and slumped back to bed. He clearly had no energy and therefore asked me for help.

Irene came over and pushed me aside holding him by his arm. He refused to get up and insisted that I help him. I held him by his arm and we walked slowly downstairs. I asked him where to and he stated, "to your bedroom."

To say I was shocked would be an understatement.
"But you can't sleep in my room,?" It was more of a question than a statement.
"And why not? This is my house right?"
"Alright. To my bedroom it is."

We walked to my bedroom and he immediately got between the sheets and slept. I shut the door behind me and walked to the music room to dust. Irene was hot on my heels.

"Last warning bitch! Leave my man alone."
"I have nothing to do with him Irene."
"Its miss Irene to you! Now get on with your work and stay the hell away from me too." She said clicking the marbled floor with her expensive Lamborghini shoes.

I did a wrap up with my work and headed to the kitchen to make lunch. I found Irene in the kitchen making macaroni and cheese. She did the dishes so well that I  drooled at her.

"Lay the table witch. Don't just stand there. And your place is in the kitchen."
I ran off to the sitting room laying the table for two. Once through I thought of heading to my bedroom then decided against it. He's still in there how will I even start laying down with him? I thought to myself slumping on the kitchen floor and wondering what I did to God to punish me like this.

Before long Irene came to me pulling me by my hair and ordered me to go get her fiancé. I got up wincing and rushed to my bedroom.

He was not in bed when I got there and I wondered whether it was humanly possible for a man to disappear into thin air because as far as I'm concerned only women do. Before I could think of looking him elsewhere I heard the shower running and I knew exactly where to find him.

I knocked and I heard a faint hold on. I waited for a little too many minutes without him coming out and I decided to call out again.

I heard him call out my name, slowly and I had to listen again.
"Sir Edward?"
"Em ,help"
I opened the door slowly and luckily he was wrapped in a towel on his lower but unfortunately he was seated on the floor and I had to lift him up test again.

As I lifted him in came Irene and yet again caught us in a very compromising position.

"You've got to be kidding me!" She snapped

This is just bad luck! Waaaaah

I've missed you.

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