Chapter 7

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"So we meet again ha!" He asked me ignoring the fiancée
"Not in the best circumstances," I answered shrugging my shoulders and looking down in shame.
"Babe! Can't you at least acknowledge me?"  The b*** whined
"Hey Irene. How was your day?" He cooed although the love didn't reach his eyes.
"Hey babe! My day was fine and I've missed you." She answered snaking her hands around his neck.

I cleared my throat so that they could just stop with the endearments and acknowledge that I'm still seated on the floor waiting for my fate. From the look of things I knew something was bound to happen. Something that I still couldn't put my finger on.

"Get your ass up young lady. From now in you will be our maid. Start by asking Sarah to give you a uniform." She sneeringly told me as Mr. Handsome looked at me from his peripheral view.
"Don't you think that's my decision to make honey?" He asked
"Its mine as well. I'm your fiancée after all," she answered smiling.
"Okey. But at least let her get acquainted with the house. We wouldn't want her to get lost around now, do we?" He asked walking towards me.

He came over to where I was sitting and offered me his hand. I took it and he pulled me up. Irene looked at us loathingly.

"I'm your new employer, my name is Edward but you can call me Ed. What's yours?" He introduced himself smoothly so much so that I gawked at him.
" name? Err...." I stuttered
"Speak up b****! You're wasting our time." Irene barked at me.
I rolled my eyes at her and answered with a one word syllable "Em"
"Em meaning what?" She asked.
"I also know only your first name. You don't need to know all my names." I answered her.
"Enough!" Edward exclaimed making me jump.

"I understand you were heading out Irene, kindly excuse us. I need to talk to this lady here." He requested his fiancée who shot daggers at me.
"No problem babe. I was actually stepping out for coffee with my girl friends. See you later." She blew him a kiss on his cheek.

"Now that we are alone, how about you tell me everything about yourself?" He asked of me grinning.
"I am just a simple girl from Zulu land. There is nothing much for you to know." I silently told him looking down.
"Just how much money do you owe people out there?" He asked me looking softly at me.
"A lot of money. But no worries. After you I'll foot the rest."
"Please feel free with me. I'm not a bad person but you know debts must be paid right?"
"Yeah I get it." I told him looking down.
"But I'll be paying you. An equivalent of the  amount you owe me. Until six moths are over. Is that okey with you?"
"Oh my God!" I exclaimed holding my mouth. "Why are you doing this for me?" I asked
"Because you're not rude. If it were someone else, I'm sure it would have been another case. Let me show you to your room." He told me tagging me along.

They will be longer as we move forward.

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