Chapter 4

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I landed a job as ahouse help. I would go to work at 6.30 in the morning and leave at 6.00in the evening. I would later go to a local bar for a waitressing job. That shift would end at midnight. It was tedious and frustrating especially dealing with patrons who would get drunk and harass me.

Days turned to weeks and weeks to months. Most of the months I wouldn't be in a position to pay my rent and debts were piling up. I had to know what I would do so as not to fall too deep into them.

I went to a Shylock to get some money with a promise to return in a few months. I bought a few households and the remainder I sent home to Umholi. You all know the reason I couldn't send anything to my parents right?

A few months later after trying to work my ass off to pay the debt and my inability to pay the debt, I was accosted by the Shylock's men. They grabbed me and took me to the Shylock. I was beaten senseless and thrown out after pleading with him and promising to pay in a month. This didn't happen.

When I leant that they were looking for me once more, I started dodging them. Well, this wouldn't go on for long. They at last caught up with me and I gave them a run of their lives. My run was short lived as I bumped into a gorgeously handsome greek god coming out of a coffee shop holding a cup of coffee.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry! I'll buy you another one but not now. I'll look for you." I told him hastily running away again as I saw the men after me coming nearer to where I was.

Instead of walking away, he followed me! He fucking followed me! I ran to an abandoned alley and stopped, hiding in the darkness. The men came to it too and finally, unfortunately caught up with me.
"Why are you running Em?" One of them asked as he gave a sound slap.
"Fuck you!" I abused him spitting on his face
He smacked me again and forcefully kissed me. Before he could hit me again the Greek god caught up with us.

"Let the girl go and I might spare your lives." He told them in a smooth voice. I had never heard such a nice one in my entire life, or maybe I never took voices too serious.

"This is non of your business. This bitch owes us and she's got to pay or else boss will personally come after her.
" how much does she owe you?
"Get the hell away from here. This doesn't concern you." I told him holding my gaze. I knew if that idiot got wind of this he would ask for triple the amount.
"Fifteen thousand dollars." One of the men answered.
"I'll pay you. Now let her go."
"We can't Mister, this time round the boss asked for her." One of the men answered.
"Then let's go." He said as he shove his hands in the pocket.

"How about we go in our car or you follow us?" On is the men asked.
"We can still use your car. I don't have a problem with that."

At this point I wondered who this person is and why he would want to go through all this problems for a person he had never met. I asked him what the deal was and he said that I'll come to know of it in due time. Well, time would tell.

I know its short but it had to be, unfortunately.

Time would tell right?

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