Chapter 28

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Em's POV
I am back and I'll strike when they least expect it. I need to make sure that they never do what they did to me to anyone else. That is the best I can do...well, they have to suffer. I repeated that mantra over and over again in my head. I knew I would need Edward's help when the right time comes.
Lying on his chest crying silently I contemplated on whether to tell him the whole story or wait. But I knew him too good to not give me space until I told him everything.

"Irene came over immediately after you left and dragged me to a secluded house leaving me with a psyco." I started painfully as the thoughts ran concurrently.
"What!?" He asked sitting up.
"Then he attempted to rape me. That's when I hit his balls and he......" I kept quiet first as I cried hard remembering what I had to endure.

"He stabbed me twice and left me there to bleed to death." I finished looking down.
"Oh my God!  Oh my fucking God!" How could she? I thought she wouldn't be capable of such a thing!"
"Don't worry. I'll deal with them the hardest. I just need a little time and you not interfering."
"I'm gonna help you. She has done enough! And neither you nor anybody else can stop me unless you put a bullet in my head!" He snapped his eyes red with anger.
"Relax. I'll let you know when to strike. That will be when they least expect it. But you need to promise me one thing."
"Anything for you my girl."
"Don't let anyone know that you have seen me."
"Are you leaving?"
"I have to."
"Please don't. Stay here. I'll not show my face if you don't want me to." He said looking in my eyes and meaning every word he said. Well, I could see it in his eyes.
"I can stay here. On one more condition."
"As I said, anything for you my girl."
"That you will make love to me, now and every time I need it."

This lit up his face and his luscious lips crashed with mine kissing me hard, hungrily. 
"I've waited for so long. But will you be okey with it? Are you sure this is what you want?"
"Why don't you shut the fuck up and give me the D?"
He chuckled getting up from the seat and pulling me up with him. My fingers were twitching in expectance to touch those orbs. I pulled his dress shirt up hurriedly but he stopped me making pout.

"Not so fast love. Relax. I need to tell you something before we do this. I need to let you in on some of my secrets if not all."
"Why not all? Don't you trust me enough to tell me everything?"
"There are things that will have to wait because if I told you they might end up ruining everything I have worked so hard for."
"Okey get on with it." I said my heart skipping a beat. I knew this would be something big, something that might end up either making us love each other more or breaking us completely.
"I will only hope with the whole of my heart that this information will never be relayed to any other person unless I find it right to tell the world. Promise?"
"I promise."
"My real name is not Edward. My name is Antony Russell Mancelotti. I am of the Italian origin."
"What!?" I shot up getting away from him. "And why lie about your name for so long?"
"Because nobody should ever know about that. Only a few people know about this, the people that are very close to me and the ones that I trust with my life."

"I...I...I think I need to leave. You're not what I thought you were for all this time. I'm sorry but I think we can never happen." I said getting up and heading for the door without looking back.
"Once you leave through that door you will never see me again. Is that what you want?"
This made me falter in my steps and almost kiss the ground until I felt strong hands hold me.
"I will always be here to protect you. Please don't leave. I'll let you know everything once I'm through."
"Through with what?"
"You're about to get in, deep."
"What do you mean?" I asked getting scared.
"The people you thought you knew are not who you think they are and their crimes are all connected. I wonder how you lived so long without anyone hurting you or trying to kill you especially after the attempt to kill."
"I thought you were leaving?" I asked him. I needed to be alone to stomach what I was being told and know of the way forward.
"I am not leaving without this."

He held me tighter if that was even possible and kissed me slowly, lovingly, hungrily and I felt my legs go jelly. He picked me up and I wound my legs on his torso with him moving forward towards the bed. He laid me there slowly hovering on me without stopping the kiss. He fumbled with my jeans and at last it was opened and I tried the same with his but the buckle couldn't come off.

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