Chapter 15

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Chapter 15
Em's POV

"You've got to be kidding me!" She exclaimed giving me a hot slap making me almost release the firm hold I had on Ed. "Release my fiancé at once!" She ordered and I decided that's enough.

"If I release him, he hits the ground. He could have died if it weren't for me getting to him. Now move your fake small ass away from me so I can lay him on the bed and fucking pick up a phone and call his doctor. And for your information I'm not leaving his side." I said all this in one breath.

I walked with him to his bed and placed him gently on his bed. God! This man is heavy. I said to myself straightening my neck and back.
"Well, your work here is done. Get out!" She shouted at me making me wince.
"And leave you with him so....OK. Let me leave. Sorry." I muttered and began walking towards the door.

"Em, don't leave. Stay with me." Edward croaked making Irene raise an eyebrow.
"You heard him." I softly told Irene. "But you can stay too.." I finished raising my shoulders. "Did you call the medic?"
"Call him yourself. I need to see my girls. I'm sure you can handle him just right. Just don't let him fuck you because you're be...."
"I am not a whore like you!" I shouted at her making her huff and leave the bedroom.

I pocked the bedroom phone and dialled the doctors number telling him of what had transpired. He told me to watch over him but place a cool towel on his forehead if he had fever.

"Stupid me! I never even checked!" I muttered to myself smarking my forehead and placing my palm in his face and true, he was burning up.

I dipped a towel in Luke warm water and dabbed his face repeating the sequence repeatedly until I heard the door open and in strode the same doctor.

"He doesn't look too good. We need to take him to the hospital." He stated immediately he looked at him and called an ambulance.
"I'm going with him." I told him
"Its okey, no problem. Where's his fiancée?"
"She went out with the girls" I said lowly not wanting for the doctor to think the worst of her. But there was nothing I could have done.

We headed to the hospital I being in the ambulance and wondering how I would get back home. If he was okey with it I would spend on the hospital corridors then go home the following day I thought to myself.

"Well, since we have given him some sedatives you will be the next of kin so, sign here, here and here." The doctor told me illustrating where I should append my signature.

"Now wait here for him to get out of the ER. I will personally let you know once he wakes up. Okey?" He asked me shooting a genuine smile.
"Okey." I answered him taking the seat at the farthest end.

This hospital belonged to the rich and mighty and me being amongst them looked like a pauper coming over to borrow food. Not once or twice did pretty model like ladies and their rotten kids sneered at me as if I carried a bad smell.

"I know not everyone will like you. But why do I seem to be hated by everyone that I come across?" I asked myself raising my legs and holding them at my knees, placing my chin on them. "Well except Edward," I continued having a conversation with myself.

"Em!" The doctor called out and I shot off the seat walking briskly towards him.
"He's awake and is asking for you. You can see him now." The handsome, but not as handsome as Edward doctor told me smiling a little portraying his small dimple.

"Hey sir. How are you feeling now?" I asked him standing near his bed.
Instead of answering me he simply held my hand and pulled me in for a hug.
"Thanks love, you saved my life. I owe you one." He huskily said.
"No buts darling. Come sit here with me. Stroke my hair of my cheeks. I want to feel your soft hands."

I wondered whether I was the one he was referring to which made me look behind me to see whether Irene had made an appearance.
"Uuumm, sir its not Irene. Its me Em. Don't you recognize me?" I asked wishing he would just be okey and whoever he was referring to, well, that I wished would be...
"And its Em I'm speaking to, my Em." He said smirking showing his beautiful deep dimple.

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