Chapter 24

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Em's POV

I ran through the forest wishing that they wouldn't get to me. I could see Edward not very far from me but every time I neared him he would move away. I came to a dead end, a cliff that went all the way down the river that was flowing fiercely. I shouted at Edward to help me and he started moving towards me. All of a sudden someone pushed me over and I fell but before I could Edward caught me and started pulling me.

I could see the blood on his shirt and behind him stood a woman. She looked familiar but I couldn't remember her name. She started hitting Edward on the head making him release me and start fighting back. I fell and somebody started pulling me towards himself raining obnoxious words.

"Get up you whore! You have not finished your work. Finish and freshen up you have a client." She said.
"I am not your mother bitch!"
"Get away from me! Leave me alone!" I shouted hoping that someone would help me.
"Edward!" With that I woke up.

It was just a dream, and I felt it had hidden meaning. I have been into hiding for close to six moths now not letting anyone know where I am. I sat up remembering the incident like it was yesterday.

When I came around I found a warm family standing around me praying that I would wake up. I didn't know where I was and I didn't remember anything. Once they noticed that I was awake they celebrated and called the doctor to come and assess me. I had a hard time trying to remember things but the more I tried the more my head ache.

"Who are you people?" I asked slowly, hoarsely.
"We are the Brents. I am Linda Brent, this is my husband George Brent and our daughter Stacy." She explained smoothly.
"Don't overwhelm her. She will catch up soon. After such an ordeal she's bound to forget things but may come back with time." The doctor explained to them with them nodding in understanding.
"But she can eat right?" That was Stacy
"Of course. I'm starving." I told them making them smile.
"Something light though." The doctor called out.

I was fed and taken care of by this family and they never asked questions. Stacy became my good friend who would share some college stories that made me really happy.
I felt as if this should have been my family and I would get sad remembering them. Knowing they never treated me with any respect but what to say? I moved on.

As days passed I started remembering bits of my past, and when it got to me working for Edward I couldn't remember anything else. Its like that phase of my life was deleted. Sometimes I would dream things then remember some bits.

The Brents continued to take care of me till I was okey in my own. We would go to the nearest town where I would wear a hood to hide my face and then come back.

One night as I was going up the stairs to my room I felt the earth move. Before I could hold onto anything I came crashing down the stairs hitting my head badly. I woke up with them surrounding me yet again saying a prayer for me. The doctor took my vitals and left after saying that I needed a bed rest for about two weeks. I was devastated.

"I remembered." Those were the first words I told the Brents after waking up from the fall.
"What did you remember?" Linda asked holding my hand and sitting down beside me.
"I remember everything and they will pay for the atrocities they have done." I muttered not caring whether I would look bad in their eyes.
"Revenge never helps my daughter. Just go to the police and they will help." That was George.
"I'll think about that but meanwhile let me take my rest. I need to be well enough to be moving around freely." I told them making them smile.
"That's my girl!" Linda said patting my hand and giving me a warm hug.
"We will be around incase you need anything." She said getting up and walking out of my room together with George leaving Stacy behind. I knew I wouldn't get out of this without telling her everything. After making sure the door was well locked she sat down with me and begged me to tell her everything promising not to share with any soul. I did and by the time I was through she was crying a river. She then explained how I was brought in by some good Samaritans having known that Linda was a retired doctor. They said that I had told them not to take me to any hospital.

Now I was fine. Everything was set for my comeback. I had met up with the people that helped me and I had told them the story,and had promised to help me wherever necessary. They had been spying on Irene and Edward. I needed to know where the killer was. I needed to deal with him in a special way, so special that he would wish death upon himself instead of what I would make him go through.

I learnt that my uncle and my sister had been to Edward but what the talked about I couldn't tell. I knew they fed him lies and if he believed them he would also do down with them. Its was time I revenged for all the sins of my family and kidnappers and with that, I prepared for a comeback.

Comeback here we cone or should it be cum?

Hallo hallo!

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