Author's Note

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Hello readers! I decided to write a Naruto Fanfiction. Actually... I've been meaning to write one for years now. I grew up with Naruto, and I'm really happy to see him reach his dream of becoming hokage.

This story will have lots of spoilers for Naruto, Naruto Shippuden, and Boruto.

Fun fact, I've had this OC in my head since I was in elementary school when I first watched Naruto. Now I'm a working adult. I always thought about how my OC would fit in the Naruto universe.

My OC, Kotomi, is Itachi and Sasuke's younger sister if the description, title, and cover didn't give it away. I've been developing her character in my head for years, so actually writing down how she's like on digital paper is going to be very weird for me.

This story will follow the canon plot. A lot of things will be fast paced. Some things will be tweaked to make things in the story fit for my OC.

I was trying to search on google to get the closest reference I could find of what Kotomi looks like since I cannot draw for the life of me. I finally found something that not only looks similar to what I was thinking, but exactly how I pictured her!

I got curious and looked through all the similar searches. Turns out this person did a lot for her OC named Kiyomi Uchiha. I was so fascinated. (Credit to Jennapark04 on Deviantart)

 (Credit to Jennapark04 on Deviantart)

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Without further ado, here's the beginning of the story! It will mainly revolve around Kotomi and her perspective

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Without further ado, here's the beginning of the story! It will mainly revolve around Kotomi and her perspective. Thank you for reading!

The Path of an Uchiha - A Naruto FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now