Chapter 31

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Brother and Sister

On one of the days, Kotomi was at home preparing lunch while taking care of Kojiro. Her two year old was playing with his toy cars that he loves so much, pretending they had their own unique voices. Her husband was out doing sensei related work.

Kotomi heard the door open, seeing Mitsuki there along with a familiar face. "This is my home, Boruto."

The two boys stepped inside, taking off their shoes. "I know, Mitsuki. I've been here like a million times."

Kotomi shook her head with a smile. Mitsuki had told her that he would bring Boruto over on one of the days since he had visited his house recently. "It's good to see you again, Boruto."

Boruto smiled brightly. "Good to see you too, Nee-san!"

Kotomi looked crossed. "I told you to call me Aunt Kotomi!"

"But you're married to big bro Konohamaru, aren't you?"

"What does that have to do with anything?!"

"Since he's like my big bro, you're like my big sis. You gotta problem with that?"

Kotomi raised her fist in anger. "Don't test me, boy! You don't want me disciplining you, do you?!"

Boruto looked like he was remembering something in his past. Kotomi had full permission from both of his parents to spank him if he acts up, which she did and called it Discipline no Jutsu. Shaking in fear, Boruto shook his head. "No, auntie..."

Kotomi smiled sweetly. "Good. So long as you understand."

Boruto still looked scared of Kotomi's glare. He saw Kojiro running up to him with a smile. "Boruto-niichan! Nii-chan!"

Kojiro gave Boruto a tight hug. "It looks like you gotten bigger the last time I've saw you, Kojiro!"

"I did! Guess what? My mommy is making hamburger steak since Nii-chan said he would bring you over today!"

"Really?!" Boruto's eyes sparkled, turning to Kotomi. "Thank you, auntie!"

Kotomi gave him a smile. "No problem."

"Mother." Mitsuki walked up to her, revealing a piece of paper. "Our class is planning to go on a field trip to the Land of Water. We just need our guardian's signature for permission."

Kotomi began reading the permission slip for the class field trip. "This looks exciting! Of course I'll sign it for you, Mitsuki!" Reaching for a pen, Kotomi signed her name on the permission slip, handing it back to him. "Here you are."

"Thank you very much, mother."

"No problem! I'll help pack your things for the field trip, ok?"

Mitsuki nodded. "Understood."

Kojiro was tugging on Mitsuki's hem. "Hey Nii-chan! Can you bring me back a souvenir from your field trip?"


Boruto stepped in. "You can just get him something little kids would like. He'll like it regardless."

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