Chapter 10

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Sasuke's Farewell

With all the madness that happened, Sasuke was hospitalized for a while. Kotomi saw this coming even though she didn't want to admit it out loud, but Sasuke was fighting a losing battle. Itachi was just too strong.

In the academy classroom, Kotomi heard some whispers that were mentioning her brothers, mainly Sasuke. She knew that they were trying to have her hear on purpose. In response, she purposely ignored it.

Tsubaki walked over to Kotomi, worry written all over his face. "I'm sorry about your brother, Kotomi."

Kotomi let out a sigh through her nose. She wasn't sure to say that it's fine or not. "I don't know..."

Sitting down next to her, Tsubaki arched an eyebrow. "What do you mean you don't know?"

Not sure herself, Kotomi just shrugged. "I just feel... So confused about everything. Sasuke has been acting strange lately, and then this happened..."

Tsubaki didn't even know how to answer that. "I'm sorry that I can't be much help with this..."

"It's fine. Thank you for listening. I needed to get that off my chest."

Tsubaki softly smiled at her. "You know you can talk to me anytime."

Not being able to smile at the moment, Kotomi lowered her eyes. "Thank you."


Also after that incident, Naruto and Jiraiya left the village for some special mission. They came back with someone who healed Sasuke back, having him finally wake up.

Once they were able to get into the room, Kotomi, Naruto, and Sakura came rushing in. Sakura embraced Sasuke tightly, sobbing onto his shoulder. Sasuke didn't even move her away. His eyes were blank, yet his expression looked like he was somewhat comforted.

Naruto softly smiled at the sight, Kotomi did the same. She was so glad that her brother was alright. Making a mental note in her head, she had to thank the person who helped heal him.

As soon as Naruto and Sakura stepped out, Kotomi was alone in the room with Sasuke. He was silent, he still looked out of it. It didn't look like he was going to speak first.

Walking near the side of the bed, Kotomi gave him a smile. "How are you feeling?"

Sasuke looked up, his expression empty. He looked like he was unsure how to answer that question. He was far from fine. "Ok I guess."

"Does it hurt anywhere?"

Sasuke shook his head. "Not anymore."

"Good. Do you need anything? Food? A change of clothes?"

Sasuke shook his head once more. "Not right now."

Since Sasuke was in a hospital gown, the upper part of his chest showed some skin. She saw a mark that was half covered, thinking it was the source of all those marks she saw on him that one time.

Not sure if she should bring it up or not, Kotomi let out a sigh. "Onii-san..."


Twiddling her fingers nervously, Kotomi bit her lip. "When you get discharged, can we go out somewhere to eat? Just the two of us?"

Squinting his eyes in suspicion, Sasuke nodded his head once. "Sure." He knew his sister well. He knew that she was hiding something. "What else did you need to ask me, imoto?" His tone of voice sounded serious in the end.

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