Chapter 23

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Calm Before the Storm

Back in the village, the team had Karin go under investigation since they had taken her along with them. On the other hand, Kotomi had her ninja status stripped away temporarily thanks to Naruto or else she would've lost the privilege of being a ninja for good.

Kotomi was walking around, trying to clear her head. What was said and done back there with Sasuke. Both lashing out at each other. She wasn't sure if Sasuke was being completely serious about him not wanting her to be his sister anymore and even trying to kill her. Even if he was at that heat of moment, he would've regret what he did once he came to his senses. She sure regret what she said, Sasuke would always be her brother.

"Kotomi-chan." Looking up, she saw Naruto with Konohammaru. Konohamaru. It felt like she hasn't seen him in ages. It brought a smile to her face.

Kotomi's smile soon disappeared, feeling hurt about all what happened. "I'm sorry for having you speak up for me like that, Naruto. I just only made things difficult." Hearing that she had witnessed Sasuke capture the eight tails in plain sight and not stopping him, she could've been in a whole bunch of trouble. But luckily, they recently found out that Killer Bee faked his own capturing.

Naruto shook his head. "I know you were only trying to get Sasuke back. During that time, it felt like you had to do it on your own, right?"

Kotomi nodded. "I thought I could, but... Even I couldn't convince him. I thought he would listen to me, but he's just too deep in his revenge."

Naruto smiled sadly. "Even so, that still doesn't defeat the fact that I will bring him back. He'll come around."

"I know..." Kotomi let out a sigh. "At least I got my message across to warn the village that Sasuke is plotting to destroy the village."

"Yeah, but then we heard that Madara guy is going to start a war. I know everyone is starting to prepare for that."

Kotomi swallowed. She couldn't believe that there will be a war soon enough. Whenever it happens, she must be prepared to face it no matter what. "Just know if I don't regain my ninja status when the war happens, I'm still going to fight."

Naruto chuckled. "I know that. Even if you're not a ninja temporarily, you're still one even now." He placed his hand on her head. "I believe that not even this will shake your ninja way."

Kotomi smiled fondly. The way he was treating her was how a big brother would. "Thank you, Naruto..."

Konohamaru cleared his throat, slightly blushing. "Since you're feeling down and all... I wanted to do something to cheer you up."

Kotomi arched an eyebrow. "Like what?"

Konohamaru smiled big. "First of all, this!" A puff of smoke appeared around him, having him transform into a busty woman.

Her eyes widen, slow blinking. "Why would you think that would cheer me up..?"

"To throw you off guard!"

Naruto started laughing, soon after turning into the girl version of himself. Kotomi didn't know how to feel at this moment. Seeing two naked girls in front of her who were really just guys.

Shaking her head with a smile, Kotomi started to laugh. "You guys are too much sometimes!"

The two transformed back into themselves, smiling brightly at the sight of her laughing. "You know, Kotomi. I want to see you do a jutsu like that." Konohamaru said.

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