Chapter 30

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Her Niece, Sarada

Before Kotomi knew it, her foster son, Mitsuki was going to become a ninja soon. He would be put in a three man squad when the time comes. It brought her back to the days when her brother and herself were first becoming ninjas.

It was the time of the parent-teacher conferences. Kotomi remembered Orochimaru saying that she would be in his place for this kind of thing since he can't step foot into the village.

Kotomi was sitting next to Mitsuki on a couch while sitting across from his teacher, Shino Aburame. He was one of her brother's classmates who hardly got noticed since he was so quiet and blended into the background a lot.

Shino was reading through some papers. "I understand that you are Mitsuki's foster parent under Orochimaru."

Kotomi nodded. "Yeah. Since he can't be here, I'm here as Mitsuki's guardian. You can tell me how he's doing, what he needs to improve on. I'm actually curious."

"Mitsuki is an exceptional student. He works flawlessly in ninjutsu. I say the only thing he needs to work on is his social skills."

"I'm sure that will develop over time. I know that he hangs out with Boruto a lot. They're practically inseparable." Kotomi remembered that Mitsuki had mentioned to her that Boruto might be his sun. She wasn't sure what he meant by that, but she just assumed that he wanted to be close friends with him.

"I'm aware of that. He just needs a bigger network of people."

Kotomi squeezed her lips while looking up. "How ironic that the guy who barely spoke to anyone back in the day is giving this kind of advice."

Shino started to look depressed. "Why must you bring that up..?"

"Mother." Mitsuki spoke up. "Did Shino-sensei not talk much in his past?"

"Not at all. He looked mopey looking, always wearing a jacket that covered most of his face. I'm still trying to get used to seeing his mouth."

"Kotomi..." Shino said dejectedly. "We're supposed to be talking about Mitsuki right now."

Kotomi started laughing while rubbing the back of her head. "Sorry! I got carried away! Please continue!" The conference continued, both having a mutual understanding about how Mitsuki was doing in school.


After the conference, Kotomi and Mitsuki stepped out of the room. While walking towards the exit, they bumped into two familiar faces.

"Onee-san! Sarada! Nice to see you!" Kotomi greeted.

Sakura gave her a smile. "Nice to see you as well, Kotomi-chan. Did you just get out of the parent-teacher conference?"

Kotomi nodded. "Yeah. His teacher updated me about how he's doing in the academy."

Sakura stared at Mitsuki. "So he's your foster son, huh? Mitsuki, right?"

"That's right!" Kotomi turned to a young girl with short black hair wearing red glasses. "How have you been, Sarada?"

Sarada gave her aunt a smile. "I've been doing well, auntie. Mama and I are headed to see Shino-sensei for our parent-teacher conference."

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