Chapter 27

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Fourth Shinobi World War Part 4: Bittersweet Reunion

Sasuke and Kotomi had managed to meet up with a couple of his comrades, Suigetsu and Jugo. Karin was excluded since she was captured by Konoha earlier on. Other than those two, it was none other than Orochimaru which Sasuke managed to resurrect.

   On their way to a certain place, all of them were wearing cloaks with hoods to hide their faces in case they got caught by any leaf ninja.

Kotomi kept side glaring at Orochimaru. How much she hated this man for taking her brother away. And having the nerve to still say he wants his body.

Orochimaru noticed this and started chuckling. "Are you still upset that I took your dear older brother away from you, Kotomi-chan?"

Feeling annoyed, Kotomi looked away from him. "Don't address me so casually like you know me."

Orochimaru just smirked. "You have the same attitude as Sasuke-kun. You two really are from the same blood."

Now she was even more mad, getting compared to Sasuke for her current attitude. "I'm only like this, because I do not trust you one bit, snake man! You took my brother away, and I heard the despicable things you did to other people! It's sick!"

Suigetsu placed a hand on her shoulder, looking somewhat worried at her. "Hey..! You should be careful what you say!"

"It's ok, Suigetsu. It's understandable why she acts so ill mannered towards me."

Suigetsu dropped his eyelids, shrugging to himself. "Let yourself get scold by a kid, why don't you?"

"I'm not a kid!" Kotomi exclaimed.

"Sure you are! You're Sasuke's kid sister!" He commented in a teasing way.

"Shut it, Suigetsu!"

"Sasuke, we're just about there." Jugo said.

Sasuke was silent, seeing a building just up ahead. Orochimaru looked pleased about all this, seeming like he was looking forward to what will happen next.

   Inside the building, the torches lit up themselves. Orochimaru was about to perform the Edo Tensei, but it required some sacrifices.

   The plan they had set on the way here was in motion. Jugo used his Sage Mode to drive the White Zetsus out of Sasuke that the masked man planted in him.

   Kotomi got creeped out by the sight, clinging onto Suigetsu. "What the hell?! That's so creepy!" Suigetsu didn't say anything, slightly blushing that she was really close to him.

   There were six Zetsus. Only four would be the sacrifices while the remaining two were quickly taken out by Jugo and Suigetsu.

   Kotomi ran towards Sasuke, hiding behind him while watching the beginning of the sacrifice. "Onii-san... Are you sure you want to go through with this?"

   "I want my questions answered. If you're creeped out by all of this, you can wait outside."

   Kotomi shook her head vigorously. "I'm good! Thanks!" She didn't want to be alone. She was fearless with a lot of things, but this. This was a whole new level of fear.

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