Chapter 29

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The Bright Future

Over a decade has passed since then. Everyone was old adults, no longer teenagers and young adults. Their children were at the age where they were a ninja. Well... Most kids.

Now in her late 20's, Kotomi arrived at home after a long day at work. She was working at her dream job, the dream she remembered sharing with her late teammates. She accomplished becoming the head of the Konoha Police Force just like her father.

Kotomi used one hand to closed the door while holding a two year old boy in her other arm that she picked up from daycare.

The little boy had spiky black hair with black eyes. Except his eyes were lighter than Kotomi's, assuming that he has more of Konohamaru's eye color.

Kotomi put the boy down, taking off his shoes. "Mommy, when is daddy coming home?"

"He should be home soon, Kojiro."

Kojiro's eyes sparkled. "Yay!" His stomach growled. "Mommy. I'm hungry."

Kotomi laughed through her nose. "Alright, I'll make dinner now. You can watch TV while you wait."

"Ok! I'm going to watch my favorite show!" Kojiro started running towards the living room.

"Kojiro! Don't run in the house!" Letting out a tired sigh, Kotomi headed her way to the kitchen. "Kids..."


The next morning, Kotomi felt someone gently shaking her awake. Opening her eyes, she saw her husband sitting at the edge of the bed. "Good. You're awake."

Kotomi rose up from the bed, rubbing her eyes. "What do you need that you had to wake me up?"

"Naruto just informed me to let you know that he needs you to come by right away. He says it's top secret, so he wouldn't even tell me."

"Top secret..?" Kotomi was confused about that. It must be something important. "Alright. You can take care of Kojiro while I'm out."

Konohamaru nodded. "Of course. You can count on me."

After getting ready, Kotomi was putting on her shoes. Kojiro walked her away, dragging a stuffed bear behind him. "Where are you going, mommy?"

"I have to see the hokage. Daddy will be taking care of you today."

Kojiro's eyes sparkled. "I get to spend time with daddy?! Hurray!"

Kotomi giggled at her small son. "Be good to daddy, alright?"

Kojiro nodded happily. "I will! I'll be a good boy!"

"Good. I'll see you later, Kojiro." With that, Kotomi went out the front door, heading her way to the hokage's office.


In the hokage's office, Naruto was about to discuss some important news to Kotomi. "You're probably wondering why I called you here, right?"

Kotomi nodded. "Yeah. You never called me here with something top secret related. What's up with that?"

Naruto lowered his head. "A certain someone informed me that they would like to ask a special favor of you."

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