Chapter 3

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Just the Two of Us

The very next day, the two children were informed that they have their own place to stay. The message was from the third hokage. An escort was waiting for the approval of Sasuke's discharge before heading to their new home.

Arriving at an apartment, the escort unlocked the door, gave the key to Kotomi, and vanished from sight. The inside had all the basic needs, but it was very plain and empty looking.

Closing the door behind her, Kotomi took off her shoes. "It looks like this is our new home..." She looked towards Sasuke who kept quiet. He looked like he was holding back all of his emotions. "Onii-san..."

Sasuke clenched his hands into fists. "I'll kill him..."

Kotomi grunted at his words. His expression was filled with fury and rage. Out of reflex, Kotomi held one of his hands, catching him off guard. "Onii-san... Please don't get angry..."

Sasuke was in a bind. His new anger towards Itachi was blinding him at the moment. But he started to calm down a little, seeing his little sister's worried expression.

Letting out a sigh, Sasuke had his eyes closed. "Sorry."

"It's fine. You have to go to the academy soon, right?"

Sasuke let out a sigh. "Do I really have to go today..?"

Kotomi bit her lip. She knew that if she had to go to the academy after what has happened, she wouldn't want to go herself. She knew that the people would be talking about it, regardless if he was nearby or not. "You don't have to if you don't want to."

"You know what." Sasuke put his hands in his pockets. "I'll just go. I don't care about what anyone has to say. I'm not going to get stronger if I mope in my room all day."


Sasuke put his hand on her hand. "You take it easy for the day. If you're going to go out, don't be out too late, got it?"

Kotomi nodded. "I will."

"Good." Sasuke took his hand off of her head. "I'm leaving now."

Kotomi extended her hand out. "Wait! Don't you want some breakfast?"

"I'm good. Later." With that, Sasuke went out the front door, closing it behind him.

Letting out a sigh, Kotomi shook her head. "He's so stubborn..." Shrugging it off, Kotomi stepped further into the apartment.

Going into the kitchen, she saw some money and a note on the table. Grabbing the note, Kotomi started reading it in her head.

To Sasuke and Kotomi,
Here is your allowance for the month. Use it wisely. I will bring you more when the next month comes.
Third Hokage

Kotomi's eyes widen at the sight. It was a lot of money for one month. But then again, it was for her and Sasuke. She had to learn how to budget. For a four year old, it was such an adult thing to do.

Looking around the cabinets and closets, Kotomi only saw enough food to last almost a week. There were only a couple outfits for each of them in both closets of both rooms. She knew what she had to do.

Walking outside, Kotomi was on her way to the clothing store before the grocery store. Reading the list she made, she quickly put it away in her pocket. She only had to get the necessities for the month. Money was going to be limited after all.

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