Chapter 13

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Kotomi's Dream

Kotomi was throwing kunais at targets that were a distance away. The lingering thoughts of her brother kept haunting her mind. The way Sasuke looked at her, it was like he wasn't even directly looking at her. Like she wasn't there. It made her feel empty.

"Kotomi." Throwing a kunai at the bull's eye, she turned around to see her two teammates there. Tsubaki looked at her with worry. "How are you feeling?"

Kotomi smiled, though it was fake to hide the fact that she was still upset over her brother. "I'm fine."

Tsubaki could tell that she wasn't being honest. "Hey... Do you want to eat lunch with us?"

"Lunch? Where at?"

"I was thinking of Korean BBQ. I know Ryusai really loves that kind of food."

Ryusai blushed, turning away with his eyebrows creased. "It's not my favorite food or anything..."

Kotomi snorted. "Sure. I'm all for that."


At the restaurant, Kotomi was the one cooking the meat on the table stove. Her mouth felt like it was watering, smelling the delicious aroma of Korean BBQ.

She started serving them on three plates, all of squad 8 looked like they were ready to tear it up. Clasping their hands together, they said this in unison. "Itadakimasu."

At the same time, all three of them started eating to their heart's desire. Kotomi hummed satisfactorily. "This is so good..!"

Tsubaki nodded with his mouth full. He swallowed before speaking up. "I know right?! I think it's because you cooked it!"

"I think if you or Ryusai cooked it, it would taste just like this."

"I doubt that. I'm a horrible cook. What about you, Ryusai?"

Ryusai side eyed Tsubaki. "Better than you that's for sure."

Tsubaki started pouting. "Why do you have to be like that?!"

"Because I'm not a fool head over heels in love like you are."

Tsubaki started blushing. "I-I am not!"

Kotomi smiled at the two. She was aware that Tsubaki has had feelings for her since the academy times. At first, she was oblivious about it, but she came to realize that he had feelings for her. It was bittersweet. She admired that he has feelings for her for this long, but she only thought of him as a really good friend who she can trust. She wasn't sure how to put him down gently whenever he would honestly confess.

Tsubaki huffed. "Anyway... Kotomi, are you aiming to be a jonin anytime soon?"

Getting caught off guard with that, Kotomi lowered her eyes. "Of course I am, but at the same time... I feel like I'm not good enough."

"Not good enough? What do you mean?"

"I... I couldn't bring back my brother or even have the courage to fight him seriously. How can I consider myself to be a ninja when I put my own personal feelings in a mission?"

"That's foolish." Ryusai commented. "Just because you failed once doesn't mean you have to beat yourself up about it. It's supposed to make you realize that you have a lot of room to become stronger. Am I wrong?"

Kotomi grunted at his words. Even though he was a bit harsh with them, he was absolutely right. "You're right, Ryusai. I shouldn't let that bring me down so much. It just means that I have to get stronger. Not just for trying to get my brother back, but for you two as well."

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