Chapter 35

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Parent and Child Day

Kotomi woke up in a familiar bed. Her surroundings were nostalgic, even if she hasn't been here for years. She looked down at herself, seeing that she was in a tiny body.

Going over to a mirror nearby, Kotomi saw that she was her four year old self. "What..? How am I..?"

She heard the door opening, seeing a familiar woman at the door. "Kotomi-" The woman paused for a moment. "Oh. You're already up. Breakfast is ready."

Kotomi's eyes wavered. "Mother..."

Mikoto gave her a smile. "Would you like to help me set up the table?"

Realizing that she was in a dream, Kotomi decided to go along with it. She nodded in response. "Yes, mother!"

Setting the food on the table, Kotomi was trying her best not to accidentally drop anything. Her four year old body could barely hold one plate full of food without her getting out of breath.

"Oh, Kotomi! I see you're working hard as ever!" She looked up, seeing a familiar man smiling at her.

Setting the plate of food down at the table, Kotomi ran up to the man. "Father!" She tightly hugged his leg. "Good morning!"

Fugaku scooped her up in his arms. "Did you sleep well?"

Kotomi nodded. "I did!" She saw a couple of boys entering the room. Her eyes started sparkling. "Nii-san! Onii-san!"

Her father put her down as she ran towards her brothers. She ran towards Itachi first, seeing her eldest brother giving her a smile. "Good morning, Kotomi."

"Good morning, Nii-san! Guess what?! Mother made egg omelettes, and helped set the table!"

"Good job, imoto. You are quite the helper."

Kotomi blushed at her brother's complaint. Turning towards Sasuke, she started to smile widely. "Onii-san! You're small again!"

Sasuke looked annoyed. "What do you mean I'm small again? What are you dumb or something?"

"Sasuke." Itachi said in a scolding tone. In response, Sasuke looked away pouting.

Kotomi giggled. "I was just making a joke! You don't have to get mad about it!"

Sasuke started grumbling, letting out a sigh. He didn't say anything in response as he made his way to the table.

Kotomi started pouting, not used to Sasuke acting this cold towards her since it's been a while. Even if this was a dream, it still hurt a little.

Feeling a hand touch her shoulder, Kotomi looked up to see Itachi. "Let's eat, imoto."

Smiling in response, Kotomi nodded. Walking towards the table with her brother, the family of five were all enjoying breakfast together.

Kotomi felt so at peace, enjoying being in the past back when her family was still alive. Her parents, brothers, and herself were so happy. She didn't want this dream to end anytime soon, wanting to enjoy it for a little longer.

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