Chapter 20

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Undercover Mission: Join Team Taka

Kotomi ended up in a little base where they rest at. The rooms had sliding doors, each having their own individual rooms. The 13 year old never felt so awkward in her life.

Her brother's three companions were curious about her. Suigetsu was observing her from head to toe. "So... Do you know how to activate your sharingan like Sasuke does?"

"Of course I do." Kotomi said proudly. "Uchiha is in my name."

"Are you tough like Sasuke? I kind of want to test that one for myself?"

"Is that a challenge?"

Suigetsu smirked. "If you want it to be."

Karin smacked him on the head. "Stop that!" She turned to Kotomi with an endearing smile. "Now, if you need anything, you can ask me, alright Kotomi-chan?"

Scary how Karin wasn't like this towards her in the beginning when she mistaken her for a girl chasing after Sasuke, only to find out that she's his sister. Now she was being really nice to her.

Kotomi smiled back. "I will, thank you."

Karin couldn't help herself, embracing Kotomi. "You're just so cute!"

Suigetsu's eyelids dropped. "Karin. You're suffocating her."

"Shut up!"

After getting out of Karin's embrace, Kotomi saw the guy with orange hair nearby. At first, she thought he was some kind of monster. But looking like a regular person, he looked really kind and gentle like.

Kotomi walked towards him in a careful manner. "Hello there."

He grunted, soon smiling at her. "Kotomi, right?"

Kotomi nodded. "It is. I didn't catch your name earlier."

"My apologies. My name is Jugo."

"It's nice to meet you."

Jugo stared at her for a bit. "You do look a lot like Sasuke."

Kotomi rubbed the back of her head. "I know, we get that a lot."

"You know..." Jugo paused. "Sasuke is really important to me like he is to you."

Kotomi grunted. "You... You seem really devoted to my brother."

"I am. He is Kimimaro's last legacy."

Kotomi blinked. "Kimimaro?" She remembered Naruto mentioning that name when he got back from the time he tried to get Sasuke back. He mentioned Rock Lee took his place to fight him so he could reach Sasuke. "I see."

"Since you are Sasuke's precious family, I will be devoted to protect you as well as him, hime." Jugo bowed his head at the last sentence.

Kotomi waved her hands vigorously. "I-It's ok! You don't have to! And you don't have to call me that either!" It felt a little strange to her. It was almost like Jugo was a knight and she was like a princess. But she knew she was far from being like a princess.

"Imoto." Kotomi turned around, seeing Sasuke walking towards her. The three stared at Sasuke who was getting close to his sister.

Kotomi met Sasuke's eyes, swallowing a bit. She was still a bit mad at him, but she couldn't help but feel happy to be seeing him again. "Yes, Onii-san?"

Sasuke's blank expression didn't change. "How strong have you become over the past three years?"

Kotomi was thinking to herself. "I don't know... A lot I guess."

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