Chapter 2

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The Night of the Uchiha Clan's Massacre

Kotomi was near the doorway where Sasuke was about to leave for the academy. "Bye Onii-san! Have a good day!" Sasuke didn't say anything back as he went out the door, closing it behind him.

Feeling empty, Kotomi lowered her head. She wanted Sasuke to like her. She didn't understand why he hated her so much. What did she do wrong? Thinking to herself, she was going to try to figure out a way for the two of them to get along once and for all.

Roaming around the outskirts of her clan, Kotomi was taking a stroll in a forestry area. She started hearing metal clanking together, almost like they were going through a tree bark.

Curious, Kotomi followed the sound, seeing a bunch of targets set up. She looked up, seeing someone in midair. Her eyes widen at the sight. The person threw the kunais, each hitting against each other as they all hit each bull's eyes. Her eyes sparkled at the sight.

The person landed, having Kotomi realize who it was. "Nii-san!"

Itachi turned around, seeing his sister walking closer to him. "Kotomi. What are you doing here?"

"I was walking around when I suddenly heard someone throwing kunais. I saw that it was you, and couldn't be more happier! You're so amazing! I can see why Onii-san wants you to train him! Can you train me too?"

Itachi gave her a small smile, gently poking her forehead. "Forgive me, Kotomi. Maybe next time."

Kotomi started pouting. "Why do you always do that, Nii-san?" At this point, she was crossing her arms.

"You shouldn't be out here for too long. Mother and father might start worrying about you."

Kotomi felt a bit disappointed that he was dodging her question. She let out a sigh, deciding to let it go. "Ok... What are you going to do?"

There was silence. He looked like he was lost in thought, almost hesitant. He turned his back to her, not wanting to meet her gaze. "I have something important to do, so I won't be home until later."

Blinking in response, Kotomi nodded once. "I understand. I'll make sure mother saves your dinner."

"You don't have to. I will be very late."

For some reason, a chill went up her spine. "Alright... I'll see you later, Nii-san." With that, she began to walk towards the clan.

Kotomi didn't know why, but she had this very uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach. She didn't know what it was, it was confusing her more than anything. Her eldest brother's empty and distance words was not sitting right with her. She made a promise to herself that when he came home, she will be there to listen to him if he needed someone to be there for him.

Arriving back home, Kotomi saw her mother washing the dishes. "I'm back, mother."

Mikoto turned around, smiling at her daughter. "Welcome back, Kotomi. Did you have a nice stroll?"

Though she was still feeling uneasy, Kotomi smiled to not worry her mother. "I did! Can I help you out with anything?"

"Can you wipe down the table? And can you get your father after that?"

Kotomi nodded. "Yes mother!"

After wiping down the table, Kotomi made her way to where her father was. She was walking on the outside of the house, passing the zen garden.

When she was about to speak up in front of the sliding door, Kotomi heard her father's voice from the other side. She couldn't quite make out what he really said as it reached the end. It sounded like he mentioned Itachi's name in something.

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