Chapter 34

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Missing Mitsuki

On one of the nights, Kotomi was serving dinner to her husband and two sons. Both Konohomaru and Kojiro's eyes sparkled at the sight of their dinner plates.

Kotomi giggled at the sight, thinking that they really looked like father and son right now. Looking over towards Mitsuki, she saw that he was deep in thought about something. He's been like this all day, and it was starting to worry her.

"Mitsuki." Hearing Kotomi calling his name made him snap out of his thoughts. "Are you feeling alright?"

Mitsuki gave her an empty smile. "I'm fine, mother."

Not feeling convinced, Kotomi didn't want to pry in for now. But she wanted to be there for him in a way. "If you need to talk about anything, you know that you can talk to me about it."

His smile dropped, lowering his eyes. "Thank you, mother. I will keep that in mind."

Something was sitting right here. Kotomi knew that something was bothering him. She knew that if he wanted to talk about it, he would tell her. She couldn't force it, she could only give him time.

Later that night after putting Kojiro to bed, Kotomi knocked on Mitsuki's door. "Mitsuki?"

"Come in." Mitsuki said at the other side of the door.

She opened the door, seeing him sitting on his bed. Mitsuki's room was empty with only a bed and a desk. The desk had a few pictures on them. A family picture, a squad picture, and just a picture of Boruto. She knew that she had to add a little more to his room eventually.

Kotomi gave him a smile. "I came by to say goodnight."

Mitsuki smiled back. "Goodnight, mother."

"Don't stay up too late, alright?"

"I won't."

"Good. Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite!" With that, Kotomi exited his room, closing the door behind her.

Mitsuki's smile soon disappeared, looking down towards the floor. He looked lost in thought about something, feeling mixed emotions. He didn't want to leave his family he was living with, but at the same time, he wanted to learn more of who he was.

In Kotomi's bedroom, she turned off the lamp, getting under the covers. Her husband was already sound asleep, snoring the night away.

Kotomi stared at his sleeping face endearingly, thinking he looked really cute at the moment. She felt at peace, but she still couldn't shake off this strange feeling. She wouldn't let it bother her for tonight, thinking that she will worry about it more tomorrow.


The next morning, Kotomi woke up, seeing that Konohomaru wasn't in the bed with her. He already went off to go to work. And it would be her turn later. First things first, she had to make breakfast and get Kojiro ready for daycare.

After breakfast, Kotomi was helping Kojiro put on his jacket. Before heading out, she headed towards Mitsuki's room as Kojiro was busy putting on his shoes.

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