Chapter 6

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New Amends

It was the day where Sasuke was going on his first mission with his squad. Putting on his shoes, Kotomi was putting on her shoes at the same time. "Good luck on your first mission, Onii-san!"

"Thanks. I'll tell you how it goes."

Kotomi's eyes sparkled. "Please do! I'm so curious!"

Letting out a sigh, Sasuke gave her a small smile. "You won't be disappointed."

Walking out together, the siblings parted ways. Sasuke was going to wait in front of Konoha's main gate while Kotomi was on her way to the academy.

On her way there, she started hearing a voice down a fenced alleyway. Curious, Kotomi started following the voice.

It ended up taking her to a man with white hair, leaning his back against the wooden fence. He had his mask down, revealing his face. Thinking he looked really handsome, a slight blush appeared on her face. The man put his mask back up, closing his eyes while letting out a sigh.

Lifting his back from the wall, he started to walk towards her direction, noticing that Kotomi was there. He blinked at her, not expecting to see a young girl there. "Who are you?"

Kotomi just blinked, starting to panic internally. "I'm... A student at the academy."

The man sweatdropped. "That's obvious enough. I meant what's your name?"

"My name is Kotomi."

"I'm Kakashi-sensei. It's nice to meet you."

Kotomi grunted. "You're my brother's sensei!"

"Brother?" Kakashi was taking a good look at her, realizing who she was. "Ah... You're Sasuke's little sister, aren't you?"

Kotomi nodded. "That's right!" She then realized the time. "It looks like I have to go or else I'll be late! And I shouldn't keep you any longer since my brother and his teammates are waiting for you."

"Right, right. Before we part ways, can you not tell my students what you just saw?"

"You mean your face?"

Kakashi nodded. "Yeah. I like to keep things private about myself."

Not understanding what he meant, Kotomi nodded. "I won't tell them." It's not like she was already holding in a deep secret or anything.

"Thanks, I owe you one. Later." With that, Kakashi disappeared from sight.

Blinking in sight, Kotomi continued walking towards the academy. She was happy that her brother had a strong looking sensei. It put her mind at ease.


At the academy, the students were outside, sparring one on one. Kotomi was watching one of her good friends, Tsubaki, fighting a boy with long brown hair tied into a low ponytail and gray eyes. They were naked neck, mirroring each other's moves. The match was over as Tsubaki fell to the ground.

Once the match was over, Tsubaki went over to Kotomi, rubbing the back of his head in pain. "That guy sure is tough..."

Kotomi's sight was on the guy Tsubaki sparred with, and then her gaze went on Tsubaki. "His movements were faster than the average ninja."

"I bet you could take him if you ever got a chance to spar with him."

"You flatter me too much, Tsubaki."

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