Chapter 17

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Road to Ninja

Some time has passed, the village was mostly rebuilt. It was like a brand new village, everything freshly restored. It seemed like everyone was happy. But not for some.

Kotomi was one of them. How she wished her teammates and sensei were here. Her family as well. She wished that all of them were in the village.

A recent power awoken in her recently, remembering what her eldest brother said to her that time. She would know when the time comes.

Kotomi knew exactly what he meant. Recently, a crow had landed nearby and had his sharingan. It made eye contact with her, and now that jutsu was passed down to her. Knowing that, she was well aware that he was dead.

Letting out a sigh, Kotomi continued to walk where her feet were taking her. It was already night. The sounds of crickets filled the air. She didn't want to be alone right now. She wanted her family and friends. But she knew that was selfish.

Hearing familiar voices nearby, Kotomi managed to hear this part of what Sakura said. "If Sasuke were here, he would understand."

Kotomi swallowed. Peeking around the corner, she saw both Naruto and Sakura at the playground. Confused on why they were there, she grunted at an unfamiliar voice.

"If it isn't the nine tails."

Both Naruto and Sakura kept their guard up. "Madara!"

Kotomi grunted at the name. "Madara..? As in... Madara Uchiha..? How can he be alive when..?"

Kotomi was witnessing them fight him. But no matter what they did, their attacks just fazed through him. "I will get the nine tails from you no matter what it takes." He started summoning something.

A red ball started floating up towards the moon. It slowly was taking form of a sharingan. Trying to figure out why this was so familiar, she then realized. "Wait a minute... That's the..!" She started running towards Naruto and Sakura. "Get out of there!"

Both Naruto and Sakura turned to see Kotomi running towards them. A flash of white light bathe the area. Kotomi passed the masked man that went by the name Madara. She only saw a glimpse of his eye, seeing the sharingan. Her eyes widen at the sight before everything went dark.


Opening her eyes, Kotomi saw that the masked man was gone. Naruto and Sakura were looking around as well. "That's strange... Where did he go?"

"I don't know..." Naruto turned towards Kotomi. "I'm glad to see that you're alright."

Kotomi was shaking her head. "I was trying to warn you guys. But... I'm not even sure what the heck just happened." She wasn't sure if that jutsu even activated since they were in the same place. She didn't want to make assumptions.

"We need to warn everyone about Madara." Sakura said.

"Right!" Naruto responded. The two started to follow Sakura, only to bump into Hinata, Kiba, and Shino. They looked a bit different than their usual selves.

"Guys!" Naruto exclaimed. "Madara is here in the village!"

Those three looked at each other awkwardly. "What are you talking about?" Kiba asked. Not expecting it, his dog Akamaru bit him. Naruto, Sakura, and Kotomi were surprised about that. Those two always got along, and never did anything like that.

Kotomi looked over at Shino who was spraying a bunch of bug repellent around him. "I hate bugs." She found that really strange since she was aware that Shino was a bug fanatic.

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