Chapter 15

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Losing Her Mind

   Kotomi put her hands over her mouth. Her sensei wasn't waking up. "N-No... It can't be..."

   Tsubaki's eyes widen at the sight. "Monami-sensei..!" Ryusai was too shocked to speak, unable to take his eyes off his severely injured sensei.

   "Oh my. It seems like she stepped on one of my mimes. And she calls herself a jonin." An unfamiliar voice said.

   The three looked around, being on their guard. They saw someone appear in front of them, wearing some kind of black robe with red clouds on them.

   Kotomi's eyes widen. She had heard from Naruto that an organization called the Akatsuki wears robes just like that. They were a dangerous bunch. "No way..."

   The guy smirked. "You're all just children. I can easily kill you." A clay figure appeared in his hand. "But... It will also be fun seeing the expression on your faces when I do this." Dropping the clay figure, it instantly exploded, making Monami fling across the area, making her hit her back against the tree. Slowly falling forward, she landed facedown on the ground. She wasn't moving at all. "It's impossible to live after that attack. She's dead for sure."

   Kotomi started to tear up. "No... Monami-sensei..." Feeling her blood boil, she activated the sharingan in her eyes. "You'll pay for this!"

   The guy grunted. "No way... How do you have the sharingan? I swear Itachi only had a younger brother. I never heard of him having a younger sister."

   Kotomi looked serious. "That's right. I'm their younger sister. What of it?"

   The guy clicked his tongue. "I hate them both! Itachi thinks he's better than me, and Sasuke took my kill! Looking at you reminds me of Itachi, and it's pissing me off!"

   "And you're starting to get on my damn nerves."

   Looking irritated, the guy looked like he was summoning something. "Let's see how Itachi will react when I kill his little sister!"

   Rushing towards Kotomi, the guy was about to make the clay explode. "Kotomi!" Tsubaki shouted. He was trying to grab her to make her get out of the way, but Ryusai ended up doing it.

   In result, Ryusai ended up taking the hit, hitting the floor. Kotomi saw Ryusai struggling to get up. "Ryusai!"

   Ryusai managed to get back up. "I'm fine! We need to try to escape!"

   "But what about Monami-sensei?!" Tsubaki exclaimed.

   Looking like he was at a loss, Ryusai's eyes wavered. "I... I don't know, but right now our lives are on the line! Monami-sensei wouldn't want us to have her death in vain!"

   "That's too bad. Her death will be in vain." The guy appeared behind Ryusai without him even knowing. He managed to take one of Ryusai's swords, stabbing it right through him. "You should really guard your weapons better. Rookie mistake."

   Kotomi's eyes widen at the sight, seeing Ryusai fall face down on the ground. A pool of blood started to form under him. Feeling herself starting to shake, she felt her eyes getting watery. "Ryusai!"

   The guy looked amused. "Well, what do you know? Uchihas do have emotions. I was almost convinced that they don't since I never see Itachi show any kind of emotion before."

   Feeling her blood boiling, Kotomi was trying not to cry. "Stop talking about him! Can't you see what you have done?!"

   "You mean kill these weaklings? What of it? It will be your turn next, Uchiha brat!"

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