Chapter 1

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Their Little Sister, Kotomi Uchiha

It was a clear, sunny day. The birds were chirping, the wind was gentle. It was quiet in a peaceful way. A mundane day that not too many people get to experience in the ninja world.

Somewhere in the Uchiha Clan, there was a family of four. A woman with long and straight black hair with onix eyes was doing her daily chores. She looked lost in thought about something.

She turned around, seeing her husband sitting at the table while reading the newspaper. Her youngest son was in the other room nearby, playing with toys. There was her oldest son, but he already went into another room, disappearing from sight.

The woman silently sighed, secretly wishing that there was another girl in the household besides her. She loves her husband and sons, but she also imagined what it would be like if there was a daughter included.

Finishing her chores, she walked over to the four year old who was in the other room. "Can I ask you a question, Sasuke?"

The four year old Sasuke looked at his mother questionably. "What is it, mother?"

"Well... I was wondering how you would feel about having a little sister?" The sound of a newspaper crumpling up came from the table her husband was sitting at. It looked like she was starting to imagine how life would be like with a daughter. "I could dress her up really adorably, and fix her hair in many hairstyles. Doesn't that sound fun?"

Sasuke started to pout. "No way! I don't want to share Nii-san with anyone!"

Sasuke's father walked up to them, having an awkward expression. "Mikoto, shouldn't we discuss about this first?"

"You're right, Fugaku." Mikoto stood up, smiling at Sasuke. "Having a little sister won't be so bad. I know once you see her, you'll be so happy."

Seeing his parents walk away from him, Sasuke looked genuinely upset as he continued to play with his toys. "I don't want a little sister..."


About nine months later, a healthy baby girl was born. Mikoto was holding her in her arms, gently cradling her. "She's so calm." Looking up at her husband, she gave him a small smile. "What should we name her?"

Fugaku was thinking to himself. He stared at his newborn daughter. "She looks a lot like you. I was thinking... Kotomi."

"Kotomi. It sounds similar to my name. I love it."

Mikoto handed Kotomi to Fugaku. He looked at his daughter in his arms, almost teary eyed but proud. "Kotomi Uchiha." He looked up, seeing his two sons nearby. "Itachi. Would you like to hold her?"

Itachi nodded, his father carefully handing him his baby sister. He felt nostalgic. It was like that time when he first held Sasuke. It was the exact same feeling.

Sasuke was staring at Kotomi, feeling mixed emotions. But the one emotion that was taking over more was jealousy. He knew that his new sister would be taking away his parents and Itachi's attention. He looked away pouting, not being able to stand the thought of it.


About four years has passed. Kotomi was now a young child. She was a kind, bubbly girl. She always like to play, but she also enjoyed helping her mother with chores. She was happy to be her mother's helper around the house.

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