Chapter 12

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Mission Failed

Kotomi was waiting outside of the academy, waiting on her teammates to come out. Seeing the door opening, she saw Ryusai and Tsubaki walking out at the same time.

Looking at them with anticipating eyes, Kotomi spoke up. "So... How did it go?"

Both looking at one another, they both revealed a certificate and a chunin jacket that they were hiding behind their backs. "We did it!" Tsubaki cheered.

Kotomi's eyes sparkled. "Congratulations, you two! I knew you could do it!"

Ryusai slightly blushed, averting his gaze. "We couldn't done it without your help. So... Thank you."

Both Kotomi and Tsubaki grunted. Their teammate was never honest with his feelings like this. "Who are you and what have you done with Ryusai?" Tsubaki asked.

Ryusai looked irritated. "Why is it so surprising for me to say thank you?!"

"Because you rarely say it!"

Kotomi giggled. "You're welcome, Ryusai. Although I didn't do too much, you two did it with your own power."

Tsubaki shook his head. "What are you talking about?! You helped us in our training so much!"

"I just gave you two a push is all."

"Wow! I see that the two of you became chunin!" Turning around, they saw Konohamaru walking up to them along with Moegi and Udon.

Kotomi gave him a smile. "It's true. I'm so proud of them."

Averting his gaze, Konohamaru looked flustered and determined at the same time. "I'll be a chunin like you guys! You'll see!"

"I believe you on that. You can do it, Konohamaru."

A blush appeared on his face, having him avoid looking at her. "Thanks..."

Tsubaki squinted his eyes. "If you want to become a chunin, you have to train harder than you already do. All I ever see you do is loaf around."

"Excuse me?!" Konohamaru exclaimed. "I train every day! Just because you became a chunin doesn't mean you get to talk down to me like this!"

"That's because you're still a genin, you idiot!" There were sparks between the two, glaring at each other.

Kotomi went in between the two of them. "Calm down, you guys. Don't get all in each other's faces over something like this." At the same time, they both turned away from each other, crossing their arms.

Ryusai let out a sigh. "Grow up, you two..."

Kotomi had her arms crossed, looking back and forth at Konohamaru and Tsubaki. "Apologize." They were silent, not even moving. She felt her blood start to boil, now she was raising her voice. "I said apologize!"

Feeling intimidated by her tone of voice, they both faced one another, avoiding eye contact. "Sorry." They both said in unison.

Kotomi was all smiles. "This better not happen again or else it won't be pretty." She activated the sharingan in her eyes. "Got it?"

Both gulping, they both nodded and said this in unison. "Yes m'am..."

Her eyes no longer had the sharingan. "Good. So long as you understand." Kotomi patted both Tsubaki and Konohamaru's backs. "We have somewhere to be. I'll see you later, Konohamaru." Her and her teammates began to walk away, walking passed Konohamaru and his friends.

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