Chapter 8

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Chaos in the Chunin Exams

It's been a while since Kotomi has seen Sasuke. Even when he comes home at times to rest, she could tell that his attitude was changing. He was the same more or less, but something seemed off about him.

Kotomi was sitting at her seat in the academy, thinking to herself. She really wanted to know what was going through her brother's head. Why was he acting like this all of a sudden?

"Kotomi." Snapping out of her thoughts, she turned around, seeing Tsubaki looking at her with a worried expression. "I've been calling your name for a while now. Are you alright?"

Kotomi didn't want to worry her friend as she gave him a little smile. "Yeah, I'm fine. I was just spacing out."

"Looks to me like you were thinking about something."

Averting her eyes, she nervously laughed. "I was just thinking about... How soon my brother has to take the chunin exams."

"Oh, right! It's tomorrow, huh?"

Kotomi nodded. "Yeah. Do you mind if we sit next to each other while cheering my brother on?"

Tsubaki smiled. "Of course."


The next day, Kotomi and Tsubaki were sitting next to each other in the shaded area seats. The entire village was here to witness the future chunins fight each other, seeing their power and potential.

Kotomi saw a couple girls sitting next to them, recognizing one of them in an instant. "Sakura!"

Sakura gave her a smile. "Hi Kotomi-chan! Are you excited to see your brother fight in the chunin exam?"

Kotomi nodded eagerly. "I am! I know my brother will win no matter who he goes up against!"

"I feel the same way!" Sakura turned to the girl next to her. "This is Ino. A good friend of mine."

Kotomi smiled at Ino. "It's nice to meet you."

Ino smiled back. "It's nice to meet you! You're so adorable! You look just like Sasuke!"

Kotomi scratched the back of her head. "I know, I get that a lot."

Sakura was now staring at Tsubaki. "Is this one of your classmates?"

"Yeah. This is my good friend, Tsubaki."

Tsubaki nodded shyly. "I-It's nice to meet you."

"Likewise." Sakura smiled, then smirking, seeing how his expression was. He was shyly looking at Kotomi at this point. "Oh... I see how it is."

Kotomi raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean by that?"

"Nothing, nothing!" Sakura laughed it off. "Oh, look! It's about to start!"

The matches were about to begin. They were watching a bunch of them already, cheering for each one. The next match was Naruto against Neji.

At this point, Kotomi was cheering Naruto on. "You can do it!" It seemed like he heard her loud and clear, boosting up his confidence a little. In the end, Naruto ended up winning.

Both Sakura and Kotomi cheered in sync. "Alright!"

Ino started laughing at the sight. "You two look like sisters right now!"

Sakura smirked proudly. She hoped that she could actually be Kotomi's sister one day, married to Sasuke. She hoped that it wasn't just a fantasy. "Well, you know what they say... Great minds think alike."

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