Chapter 5

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The Day Sasuke Became A Genin

About four years has passed. Kotomi was now eight years old, attending the academy. It was also going to be the day where Sasuke will be assigned to a squad.

Putting on her shoes, Kotomi saw her brother walking towards her. He wearing the Konoha headband on his forehead. She never felt more proud in her life. "It looks good on you, Onii-san."

Sasuke has his hands in his pockets. "It's not a big deal."

"Yes it is! Today is the day where you become a ninja!"

"What did you expect?"

Kotomi sweatdropped. "You are so hardheaded..." She noticed a slight malfunction on his shirt collar, going up to him and fixing it. "Your collar was folded weird."

Sasuke slightly blushed in embarrassment. "Quit trying to act like mother."

Kotomi smiled sadly. She knew that he needed someone to take care of him sometimes, even though he was older than her. She wanted to act like their mother at times like these. "Sorry."

"Whatever. Are you ready to go or what?"

"Yeah. I had my shoes on the entire time."

"Then let's go." The two headed out towards the door, walking to the academy together.


Once at the academy, the Uchiha siblings went to their respectable classes. Kotomi was sitting by herself, staring out the window. She wondered how Sasuke was doing in his class. Who would be in his squad? And would they be good friends?

Hearing someone sit next to her snapped her out of her thoughts. Kotomi turned around, seeing a boy with short blue hair and blue eyes. He side glared at some guys who were eyeing Kotomi. Afterwards, he shyly smiled at her. "Good morning, Kotomi."

Kotomi smiled back. "Good morning, Tsubaki. How are you?"

"I'm doing well, how about yourself?"

"I'm doing great. My brother is going to be in a squad today."

Tsubaki looked at her in awe. "That's right. Your brother became a genin recently. That's awesome."

"He made it seem like it wasn't a huge deal this morning..."

"But it is a huge deal!" Realizing he raised his voice out of excitement, Tsubaki slumped down in his seat. "Whenever we become genin, I hope that we end up in the same squad."

Kotomi saw a slight blush on his face, making her smile softly. "I hope so too."

"I'm telling you! Big bro Naruto is going to be the strongest ninja ever!" Kotomi heard someone basically shouting, turning over towards him. It was one of her classmates, Konohamaru Saratobi. "You should've seen what he did! It was amazing!"

Tsubaki slowly shook his head. "Noisy as ever, that guy." Hearing Kotomi stand up from her seat, he turned over towards her. "Kotomi, where are you going?"

Kotomi gave him a quick smile. "To see how my brother is doing. I'm kind of worried about him today." With that, she began walking towards the exit of the classroom.

Arriving in front of the door of Sasuke's class, Kotomi slightly cracked the door opened. It seemed like everyone's attention was on something. Noticing what it was, she saw Naruto squatting on the table, closely glaring at Sasuke.

Kotomi had an awkward expression. "What in the world are they doing..?"

Some guy sitting in front of them accidentally bumped Naruto, making the two 'have a moment'. At this point, the entire class was quiet.

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