What If...

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A/N: I decided to write a short what if chapter. What if Itachi was alive? Sasuke would've found out the truth while he was alive and so on. This will take place in the Boruto part since he will be interacting with his niece and nephew. (I don't know the artist)

 (I don't know the artist)

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Uncle Itachi

Kotomi was at home, wiping down the kitchen counters. She scrunched her face in disgust, seeing how black the wipe was. "I need to clean this more often..."

There was a knock on the door. Her two year old son, Kojiro, raised his head up towards the direction of the door. "Mommy, someone's here."

Kotomi giggled, her son always being so alert about the door. "I'll get it."

Opening the door, she saw her eldest brother standing there with a smile. "Good afternoon, imoto."

Her heart felt so happy. "Nii-san! I'm so glad you could visit!"

"Uncle Itachi!" Kojiro ran up to his uncle, hugging his leg.

Itachi smiled, picking up the small boy. "How have you been, Kojiro?"

"I've been good! You can ask mommy!"

Itachi turned towards Kotomi, gesturing her to answer. "He's right. He's been such a little ball of sunshine." She finally noticed a plastic bag that was hanging on his arm. "What is that?"

Itachi looked down at the bag. "This is for Sarada. I was going to go over to Sasuke's house to give this to her. Since your house was on the way there, I wanted to invite you to come along with me."

Kojiro's eyes sparkled, turning to Kotomi. "Can we go?!"

Low key wanting to go as well, Kotomi nodded. "Of course we'll go. I've been meaning to give Sasuke his favorite snack."

"A riceball with a cherry tomato?" Her eldest brother asked matter-of-factly.

"You guessed it."


The three were in front of Sasuke and Sakura's house. Kojiro was riding on Itachi's shoulders, eagerly waiting for someone to answer the door.

The door opened, revealing it to be their niece that they adore so much. Sarada's eyes lightened up seeing her aunt and uncle. "I didn't know you were visiting today!"

Itachi held up the plastic bag. "We came over to bring this to you. May we come in?"

Sarada stepped aside. "Of course! Mama and papa are in the living room!"

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