Chapter 14

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Mission: Stop the Obaro Gang

Kotomi, along with her teammates, were all waiting for their sensei to start the mission. Their mission was to go to a village to defeat the rogue ninjas who were bothering them. It sounded easy, but you should never underestimate a mission. Something could always happen.

Seeing their sensei appear, Monami had a rolled up scroll in her hand. "I got the ok, so we can start to head out now."

The three straightened out, all saying this in unison. "Yes, Monami-sensei!"

Monami started laughing. "You don't have to be so formal with me, guys! But it makes me happy that I have such good mannered students!" Calming her laughter, she cleared her throat. "Let's head out."


Arriving at the village they had to protect, there weren't any people to greet them. It almost seemed like a ghost town.

Tsubaki whistled at the sight. "Rough crowd."

Ryusai looked unamused. "They're probably all hiding from the rogue ninja."

An old man walked up to Monami. "Excuse me, but are you the ninja from the hidden leaf we requested?"

Monami nodded. "Yes, sir. I was well informed on what's happening here."

The old man sighed in relief. "I'm so glad. I'm the village leader, Hayashi."

Monami gave the village leader a smile. "It's nice to meet you. I'm Monami. These are my students, Ryusai, Kotomi, and Tsubaki."

"It's nice to meet you all." Hayashi took out a piece of paper, showing it to them. It was a wanted poster of a devious looking man with three other men in the background. "This is the Obaro gang. They just showed up in our village one day, and started attacking the people and taking our money. We need to someone to defeat them once and for all so they won't keep bothering us anymore."

Monami nodded. "Understood. You and your people won't have to worry after today. We will get rid of the Obaro gang for you."

"Thank you! Thank you so much! I would be forever grateful!"

"It's no problem at all." Monami turned to her students. "So... Here's the plan."


A little later, the four were all hiding in different spots inside the village. They were informed that the rogue ninja comes during this time to harass the people. They were waiting for their arrival.

Wearing an earpiece, Monami spoke up. "If one of you sees the enemy before me, inform me before you engage."

"Got it." Kotomi, Tsubaki, and Ryusai answered at once.

Kotomi was on the lookout for three men. Hiding in a large tree inside the village, she was looking around the area with her eyes. No one was in sight for now. There was nothing but silence.

"Monami-sensei, I see four men at 10 o' clock." Ryusai spoke over the earpiece.

Grunting, Kotomi looked towards that direction, seeing four suspicious men entering the village. They had greedy smiles on their faces.

Kotomi placed a finger on her earpiece. "It looks like they're going to break into a house. What are your instructions, Monami-sensei?"

"I was thinking that Tsubaki uses one of his ice jutsu to have them literally freeze on the spot."

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