Chapter 11

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The Beginning Of Kotomi's Life as a Ninja

Two years has passed since then. During those two years, word got out that Sasuke became a rogue ninja. People whispered among themselves, having Kotomi hear when she passes by them.

Many said that eventually, Kotomi would go against the village just like her brothers. It made her blood boil, but there was no point in retaliating. That would only make them think they're right. She will definitely prove them wrong.

During the two year span, Kotomi has been training a lot with Kakashi, feeling like she had gotten a lot better controlling her chakra. It felt like she was much better with her jutsus, especially the sharingan.

Kotomi's training paid off with Kakashi, becoming the first person in her class to become a chunin. At this point, she was aiming to be jonin rank.

Her squad was squad 8. Her good friend, Tsubaki Rui was in her squad along with the guy who he sparred with many times and lost. The guy with long brown hair tied into a low ponytail with gray eyes. Ryusai Shikawa.

Their sensei was a woman with wavy hazelnut hair and brown eyes. Very feminine but strong to say the least. "Monami-sensei, when are we going to have a higher ranked mission?" Tsubaki asked.

Monami smiled. "Since Kotomi became chunin recently, I say that we're going to get one soon."

Ryusai let out a sigh. "Before we get into more high rank missions, we also need to become chunin. I can't believe I failed it. I underestimated it."

Tsubaki rubbed the back of his head. "Yeah... I guess you're right. Kotomi, do you have any pointers for us?"

Kotomi was thinking to herself. "Just like Ryusai said, don't underestimate the chunin exams. When you get to the part where you have to fight someone, don't underestimate them either, and keep calm and focused."

"Thank you, Kotomi! Ryusai and I will definitely become chunin just like you!"

Monami smiled at the sight of her students. "I'll sign the two of you up. Kotomi, you aiming to be a jonin soon, right?"

Kotomi nodded. "That's right."

Her sensei looked impressed. "You are really strong. I can see why since you've been training under Kakashi. He became a jonin around your age, so I can see the same happening with you."

"I know, he told me that a while back. I want to be strong just like him!"

"I believe you will one day."

Kotomi smiled at her sensei. "Thank you so much."


A little later, Kotomi was keeping watch of her two teammates who were training. She was evaluating them, and gave them pointers if they needed it.

Ryusai has two swords in his hands. "Two swords style! Crescent wave jutsu!" As he swung his swords, two flashes of light came out of the sword that were the shape of a crescent. It cut through the targets like paper.

Weaving hand signs, Tsubaki was about to summon a jutsu. "Ice release! Ice shuriken jutsu!" Shurikens made of ice started hitting the targets ahead of him.

Watching with her arms crossed, Kotomi nodded. "Your forms are good, but both of you need to work on your aim a bit more." Their aim was better than average, but their hits at times were sloppy, little or no power in them.

Tsubaki was panting. "Can you show us? I thinking watching you do it would give us a better idea how to work on our aim."

"Sure." Kotomi stepped in, taking out her kunais. Jumping in midair, she was upside down with her eyes closed. She threw a few kunais, and a few more after that.

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