Chapter 21

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Kotomi and Sasuke

In the end, Team Taka failed to capture the eight tails due to finding out that it was a clone all along. Kotomi was the only one in the resting base, waiting for her brother and the others to get back.

She was worried about them. Though they were better than earlier, they were still in pretty bad shape. They needed more rest.

Hearing the door open, Kotomi stood up, seeing Sasuke there. "Onii-san..."

Sasuke stopped and looked at her for a minute before walking away. It seemed like he was in a bad mood. Kotomi extended her arm towards him, feeling someone gently grab her arm.

Turning around, Kotomi saw Jugo there shaking his head. He was signaling her not to speak with Sasuke for now. Worried about her brother, Kotomi wanted to do something for him, but she knew how he could be when he gets in these kinds of moods.

Sitting in the room she's been sleeping in for half a week, Kotomi was flipping through a book. Smiling at the sight, she started laughing for some reason.

"What's so funny?"

That voice coming out of nowhere startled her, making her slightly jump. Kotomi saw Suigetsu standing in front of her. "Suigetsu! Have you ever heard of knocking?!"

"I did, but you didn't answer."

"Oh... Sorry about that."

Suigetsu leaned over, seeing what Kotomi was looking at. "What is that?"

Averting her eyes to the side, Kotomi cleared her throat. "It's... Um... A picture book I brought along with me... I wanted to go through it with my brother when I found him and-"

"Hold on... Does that mean younger pictures of Sasuke are in there?"

Kotomi nodded. "That's right."

Suigetsu started smirking. "This I gotta see. I'll be back in a second! Karin and Jugo has to see this!" With that, Suigetsu left the room. Kotomi had a feeling she could've kept her mouth shut, but at the same time, she would enjoy this.


A little while later, Sasuke was walking down the halls. He noticed that it was too quiet. Nobody was around. "Where are they?" He heard laughter from Kotomi's room, now feeling curious.

Sliding the door open, Sasuke saw Kotomi and his comrades wearing very unique expressions. Kotomi and Suigetsu were laughing their heads off. Karin was blushing while her eyes were sparkling. Jugo looked very surprised to see a different side of Sasuke.

Confused, Sasuke stepped into the room. "What's going on?"

Suigetsu had tears in his eyes from laughing too hard. "Kotomi-chan was showing pictures of you when you were younger. You look really adorable in those cat ears and bows in your hair! Not to mention seeing who your first kiss was!"

Sasuke's eyes widen, seeing Kotomi holding a familiar picture. He closed his eyes, trying not to lose his cool. "Imoto. Why are you showing them that?"

"At first, I was looking through it. And then Suigetsu saw and got Karin and Jugo to come see it. Before I knew it, I was sharing stories of each picture."

Karin went over to Sasuke, wrapping her arm around his arm. "You looked really adorable back then, Sasuke." Sasuke let out a silent sigh in response.

Suigestsu wiped a tear from the corner of his eye. "I think your sister is the only one that could get away with this kind of thing! She can easily bring up anything embarrassing you ever did!"

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