Chapter 16

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Pain and Sorrow

The clouds were gray that day. Kotomi was standing in front of three graves that were right next to each other. Her sensei and teammates. She never thought she would see their names carved into stone. But the pain in her heart proved that what has happened happened.

Hearing footsteps walking her way, Kotomi turned towards the sound. "Kakashi-sensei."

Kakashi stopped right next to her, looking at the graves she was in front of. He lowered his eyes, looking like he understood the pain all too well. "I'm sorry about this."

Kotomi lowered her eyes as well, shaking her head. It looked like she was trying to hold back tears. "I was too weak to protect them. You've trained me for two years, and yet... I couldn't use my full potential to protect my team. It feels like I failed you as a student. And it feels like I failed at being a ninja who can't even protect those who are dear to me..."

Kakashi had pain in his eyes. He completely understood how she was feeling right now. Being in her position before, experiencing such a similar thing.

Placing a hand on her head, Kakashi spoke up. "Don't blame yourself." He didn't want her to go through the same feeling of guilt he's been through for years. "You've done all you could."

Kotomi's eyes wavered. She knew that she had to become stronger emotionally. "Kakashi-sensei..." She was trying so hard to not cry, but she couldn't help it. A single tear rolled down her face. "Please continue letting me be your student. I want to get stronger. I want to be able to protect the ones I care about."

Kakashi saw the determination in her eyes, closing his eyes while nodding. "Of course. Just know that I'm still not going to go easy on you."

Kotomi nodded once. "I'm aware. I don't mind how challenging it will be. I want to become stronger no matter what."

"Then let's get started." Kakashi began to walk away. Kotomi took a good look at the graves one last time before following Kakashi to begin her training.


On one of the days where she was taking a break from training, Kotomi was walking around the village. She heard people whispering among themselves, it was nothing new though it still stung.

"There's that girl whose brothers became rogue ninja."

"I know. It's only a matter of time before she becomes an enemy to the leaf."

"I heard that recently her sensei and teammates died."

Even though Kotomi could hear them loud and clear, she ignored them, continuing to pass by. She wouldn't let her emotions surpass her. A lot of people still thought she would end up just like her brothers. But she swore that her path won't end up like that. She wanted to stay here, to be with her friends.

Turning a corner, Kotomi saw Konohamaru and his teammates walking together. They seemed to look a bit down. Curious, she walked over towards them. "Hey..."

Konohamaru turned towards her, his expression was gloomy. "Oh... Kotomi, how are you?"

In all honesty, the pain was still fresh in her heart. But she couldn't let it show. "I'm fine. But what happened to you? Why do you seem so down?"

Silence filled the air. It looked like it was hard for him to say, but he blurted it out. "It's Naruto-niichan. I heard that his teacher passed away recently. He was really upset when I saw him."

Kotomi grunted. The person that came to mind was Jiraiya. "No way... He's..?" Even if she wasn't close to him like Naruto was, she could feel the pain. "Where is Naruto?"

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