Chapter 28

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Husband and Wife

   A few years flew by just like that. The village was at peace after the war. Sometime after the war, Kotomi regained her ninja status, and soon after became a jonin. She even raised a lot of funds for Konoha's second restoration by going around all the lands, performing songs and raps with her teacher, Killer Bee.

Everyone in the village and people from other villages as well were preparing for a very special occasion.

   "Is it on now?" Kotomi appeared on a screen, assuming that she was being recorded.

   "It's on. You can start talking now." Konohamaru said behind the camera.

   Kotomi smiled, clearing her throat. "Hey Naruto and Hinata. First off, congratulations on your wedding. I'm super happy for you two. Hinata, I knew you could do it. I and everyone else was aware that you've had feelings for Naruto for a very long time now. And Naruto, it's about damn time that you recognized her feelings. You kept the poor girl waiting long enough. I hope after you're married for quite some time that you'll give me a nephew or niece. Both would be nice. To wrap this up, I wish you two all the happiness in the world!" She gave a piece sign towards the end.

   Konohamaru turned off the camera. "You did great. It will make them smile."

   Kotomi giggled. "Thank you!" She dreamily sighed, looking like she was thinking about something. "It would be nice to get married someday."

   Konohamaru started blushing to the point that he looked like a red hot chili pepper. "But we only just recently started dating..!"

   Kotomi started laughing at the sight of Konohamaru looking so flustered. "I know, I know! But it doesn't mean that I can't dream!" He slumped his shoulders, unable to calm his blushing.


   During the wedding for Naruto and Hinata, Hinata threw the bouquet of flowers in the air.

   Many of the women were trying to catch it, but it directly landed in Kotomi's arms. Kotomi blinked down at the bouquet, a slight blush appeared on her face.

   Smiling brightly, she turned to Konohamaru who was blushing like crazy. That earned many teasing stares since they were the youngest couple there.

   Kotomi held the bouquet proudly, feeling like someday her own wedding would come. She had hoped that her brother would make it during that time since he's been gone from the village for a long time due to a secret mission.

   Feeling happy, feeling like things were finally falling into place, eventually, Kotomi's wedding day will come years later.


The day of Kotomi's wedding finally arrived. It was about a little over five years after Naruto and Hinata's wedding. At this point, her older friends including her brother already have kids.

She never felt more happier to become an aunt, and started visualizing the time when she will become a mother herself.

Kotomi shook her head vigorously, thinking that it was too soon for that, her wedding hasn't even started yet.

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