Chapter 1

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I stood, crouched on a cliff face. I breathed in the crisp, cold mountain air, my auburn hair whipping around my head in the winter wind. I tucked a strand behind my round ear and my dark wings unfurled behind me. I was going to get it right this time.

I closed my brown eyes, releasing a slow breath.

Then, I was running. My feet pounded against solid ground, dirt and snow crunching under my feet as she I ran, then, I leapt over the ledge, free-falling.

With a painful jerk, my wings caught the air and I righted myself, circling them to keep myself stationary in the air. As I had seen the Illyrian legions do so often, I looked to the skies, then with a few thrusts, launched up, up, and up into the clouds.

When I reached the white mist, almost all of my muscles ached with the exertion and j was breathing hard. I hadn't gotten this high before...

Then, my wing gave out and I began to fall.

I bit down on a scream rising in my throat and pounded with my wings, trying to remain in the sky, to keep from-

But then I was caught in mid-air and the fear that coursed through me now was more real than any fear I had ever felt in all one hundred years of life. I feared for my life now. Falling would have been welcomed for what I was about to face.

"Adrianna Meridia. You are under arrest for unlawful training." The Illyrian on my left snarled. His grip on my arm was painful. His Syphon glowed on his chest faintly and I began to fear for my life now.

I was always so careful. Made sure no one knew I left and that no one knew I was gone. I was never gone for more than an hour a day. I even went to one of the few places the Illyrians didn't patrol regularly.

How had they found me?

The two Illyrian soldiers then swooped down at a steep dive and I clenched her jaw to keep from screaming at the speed in which they moved. I knew I was either going back to be tortured, used for pleasure, or...executed.

Whatever awaited me, it wouldn't be good.

Soon, the camp came back into view and I knew without a shadow of a doubt that I would never receive a warm welcome from my parents again.

I folded my wings in tight against my body as they banked and slowed, gripping my waist a bit too tight. As they landed, the one on my right lifted an arm to keep me from face-planting, but his hand was firmly placed over my chest. My heart hammered even more and I bit my lip, eyes burning.

A wicked grin spread across his face as the other Illyrian held me tightly as his partner ran his hands down my body. "Foolish woman." He spat, hands drawing dangerously lower...

"Regim. That's enough." A harsh voice barked and the Illyrians stepped back. One of the lieutenants stood before us now and I felt my skin grow clammy. "What's this?" The man demanded, disgust in his voice.

"Adrianna Meridia was spotted flying, sir." Regim said stiffly, bowing his head once in a solemn nod.

My heart began to beat faster as the lieutenant's eyes locked onto me, his stare cold and hard.

"Well, I suppose you will have to teach her a lesson. Let her know what happens when females are-"

"Enough." Came a growl and I felt a chill go down my spine.

My father stepped into my line of vision and the look of cool hatred in his eyes as he looked me over was too much for me to bare. Just this morning he had told me to never give up. That it was for the best. Kind for Illyrian standards. he was nothing of the sort.

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