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When you're leaving,
I don't have a place to live.
And when you gone,
I don't have a place to go.

Please don't be sad
Because you are my dad.
Please don't be mad
Because I am bad
As I am a rider.
I know you were writer
Because I'm following you as a writer.
I want to be a writer
Just like you.
I like you.
I love you.
I don't want to lost you.
Only you to be my father.
Except you, who'll be my father?
Who's the mother if there is no father?
This is because you are my father.

When you're leaving,
I don't have a place to live.
And when you gone,
I don't have a place to go.

Waktu petang,
Aku pulang.
Dengan wajah lesu,
Aku tunduk merayu.
"Abah, nak berhenti!"
Dia bangun berdiri.
Dia menampar pipi kiri.
Dia pesan pada diri ini.
Kenapa Abang Mi nak berhenti?
Abah nak tengok Abang Mi masuk universiti.
Kita bukan orang senang.
Bukan senang jadi senang.
Tolonglah jangan berhenti
Sebab abah akan mati.
Ya, mati itu pasti.
Siapa nak jaga keluarga ni nanti?"
Aku terdiam terkaku
Dengan ayat penuh paku.
Aku diam membisu.
Minda melayang ke Ebisu.
Aku lari masuk bilik lalu terus kunci pintu.
Aku bukan tukang tilik untuk lepas santau rindu.

When you're leaving,
I don't have a place to live.
And when you gone,
I don't have a place to go.

Aku menangis merintih.
Selak pintu intai abah sedih
Kerana kataku yang pedih
Buatkan sakit itu lebih.
Bila abah sunyi,
Dia pun bernyanyi.
"Andai ku tahu,
Kapan tiba ajalku
Ku akan memohon
Tuhan tolong panjangkan umurku.
Andai ku tahu,
Kapan tiba masaku
Ku akan memohon
Tuhan jangan kau ambil nyawaku.
Aku takut
Akan semua dosa-dosaku
Aku takut
Dosa yang terus membayangi ku."
Suara mantap.
Aku tersentap.
Lirikku tak bisa berentap
Sebab layan lagu Ante Up.
Dalam bilik penuh sunyi,
Aku menangis tiada bunyi.
Rest in peace my rap.
My rap just like a rat.
Can detect on the speed trap
Because my rap not so fast,
Just like Ghost Rider.
I'm just a ghostwriter,
Not a writer,
Like my father.

Please don't be sad
Because you are my dad.
Please don't be mad
Because I am bad
As I am a rider.
I know you were writer
Because I'm following you as a writer.
I want to be a writer
Just like you.
I like you.
I love you.
I don't want to lost you.
Only you to be my father.
Except you, who'll be my father?
Who's the mother if there is no father?
This is because you are my father.

When you're leaving,
I don't have a place to live.
And when you gone,
I don't have a place to go.

Alif & Najmi

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