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They arrived at Olive Garden and got a table. Brooklyn looked over the menu with a comically disgusted face.

"It's insulting." Brooklyn laughed.

The waiter interrupted them. "Hi I'm Joey, I'll be your waiter today. What can I get you guys?"

"I'll have the chicken parmigiana." Brian said.

The waiter looked at Brooklyn.

"I don't even know, it's all terrible."

"She'll have the lasagna. You'll have to excuse her she's a real Italian." Brian said.

"Oh really? So am I!" The waiter said.

"And you work here?" Brooklyn laughed.

"It sorta reminds me of home. But I can't blame you, this food is nowhere near as good as what my nonna could make."

"That's exactly what I said!"

"What's your name sweetie? I bet our grandparents were on the boat together."

"Brooklyn Campanella."

"Hmm are you from New Jersey or New York?"


"I'm from Staten Island."

"I can hear it now!" Brooklyn laughed.

"Excuse me, could you put our orders in? I'm starving." Brian interrupted them.

"Oh right sorry." The waiter left the table.

"Keep it up and I'll request a different waiter."

Brooklyn couldn't tell if he was serious or joking.

"Are you jealous?" She teased.

"Are you flirting with him?"

"No, I was just being friendly."

"Too friendly." He snapped.

"I'm pretty sure he's gay." Brooklyn said annoyed.

The waiter brought back some breadsticks and salad.

"So what brought you to Florida?" Joey asked.

"College." Brooklyn answered looking at her salad.

"What are you studying?"


He nodded. "Cool, I'll leave you to it then." Joey noticed that Brooklyn was being short with him. He assumed that Brian had reprimanded her.

"One word answers and no eye contact, good girl." Brian smirked at her.

"I don't know what you think this is but I didn't come here to be owned by some man. If you think you're going to tell me who I can and can't talk to then you're mistaking."

"Nobody puts Baby in a corner, got it." He laughed. "Calm down, I'm only teasing." Brian grabbed her hand across the table. "Don't be mad beautiful."

Brooklyn smiled at him. "Fuck off." She laughed.

The waiter watched them as he cleaned some wine glasses, he could tell that whatever was going on was toxic. He went to the back and brought their food to the table without saying a word.

"Thank you." Brooklyn smiled.

Brian squeezed her hand.

"Enjoy." The waiter smiled and walked away.

They dug in.

"How is it?" Brian asked.

"Okay it's not terrible but like I said, Nonna does it better."

"Nonna's food must be heaven then. You're definitely taking me home for Christmas."

"Good to know."

They finished their food and Brooklyn excused herself to the bathroom while Brian paid.

On her way back she was caught by the waiter, Joey.

"Hey, is everything okay?" He asked looking concerned.

"Yeah why?" Brooklyn laughed nervously.

"Your boyfriend, I didn't like the way he was treating you. If he's abusing you I can call the police."

"Oh no he's not my boyfriend. He's my neighbor, he's a little rough around the edges but he's not abusive. Thank you though."

"Okay well here, if anything happens." Joey gave her a napkin with his name and number on it. "Don't hesitate to call me if you need anything, I know you probably don't know anyone here, but now you do."

"Thank you." Brooklyn put the napkin in her back pocket and went back to the table with Brian.

"You ready?" Brooklyn asked.

"After you." Brian gestured.

Once they were outside in the parking lot Brian noticed the napkin in her pocket and pulled it out.

"What is this?" He looked at it.

Brooklyn kept walking, not realizing he'd taken the napkin.

He grabbed her arm with all his strength and yanked her backwards. "I said what the fuck is this?"

"Ow! Let go of my arm!" She yelled.

"You weren't flirting with him huh? Then why do you have his number on a fucking napkin?" He balled up the napkin and threw it at her.

"Why the fuck does it matter? You're not my boyfriend, you don't own me! What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"Why do you have it?" He asked sternly.

"He thought you were abusive so he gave it to me just in case, looks like he was right." Brooklyn pointed to her arm which already had his red handprint on it and she started walking away.

"Where are you going? Brook I'm sorry. Please come back! Let me take you home, you can't walk there it's not safe."

Brooklyn stopped. He was right, it was 7 miles back to their apartment building and it was already dark outside. She had to ride with him.

"Brook please? I'm really sorry." Brian pleaded.

"Fine. You can give me a ride back but after that I want you to leave me alone."

They rode back in silence. Brooklyn was done with him, he'd crossed the line. She wouldn't put up with it.

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