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After he finished the song he looked over at Brooklyn and winked.

"There's someone here tonight, someone special. She's never been to our concert before so I want you all to make her feel welcome. Brooklyn get your ass out here."

Her mouth dropped and she shook her head profusely. Brian walked to the edge of the stage and grabbed her hand.

"Come on, they won't bite. Will you?" He turned to the crowd and they went wild.

"Brian no!" She begged but he was already pulling her onto the stage.

He brought her to the middle of the stage with his arm wrapped tightly around her waist so she wouldn't squirm away.

"How pretty is she?"

The crowd agreed.

The stagehands placed candles in a circle around them. Once in a circle of fire Brooklyn started to get scared.

"Do you trust me?" He asked her.

"Yes." She answered.

"Big mistake." He laughed. "You know what I think tonight needs?" He addressed the audience. "A sacrifice."

Brooklyn started to squirm trying to get away but Brian tightened his grip.

Brooklyn was actually scared, she'd only met Brian a while ago, she didn't know what he was capable of.

"Normally I'd use a sacrificial lamb, but I think tonight calls for a human sacrifice. Now she's not a virgin, trust me I know, but she'll have to do. You know the drill." He pushed her off the stage and into the hands of the crowd. "Careful with my sacrifice!"

"Light a candle for the sinners! Set the world on fire!" He began the intro to 1996.

The crowd passed her along gently as Brian sang. Brooklyn was still scared but she started to have fun, she'd always wondered what it would be like to crowd surf.

As Brian started to repeat the words "antichrist superstar" over and over, the crowd brought Brooklyn back to the stage and Brian grabbed her hand helping her get her footing. He pulled her in and hugged her.

"How was it? Are you okay?" He asked in her ear instead of the microphone.

"You're completely insane." She laughed.

He smiled at her and picked up the microphone again.

"After all that I wouldn't be surprised if you never spoke to me again. But Brook I wanted to ask you something in front of all these beautiful people, that way you can't say no. Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

Brooklyn smiled at him in disbelief. "Yes."

They kissed and the crowd screamed.

"I'm gonna fuck you so hard later." Brian said as Brooklyn walked off stage. "Let's hear it again for my girlfriend!"

The crowd cheered again.

"I had a hell of a time, goodnight!" Brian blew a kiss and walked off stage.

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