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When they arrived back in Florida, Brian had a show that night. Brooklyn decided to stay home since she was so tired, she didn't have it in her for a rock concert. Brian offered to skip the show and stay home with her but she said no since he had already missed so many to be with her.

"Stay safe, sober, and loyal." Brooklyn teased as Brian was about to leave their house.

"You too. Before I go do you need anything?"

"The remote?" She smiled.

"Alright." He brought it over to the couch where she was sitting. He bent down and kissed her. "Anything else?"

"Nope, just have a good show."

"And you two have a good girls night, if you need me just call. I love you."

"Love you too."

Brian walked out the door. Brooklyn's night consisted of binge watching Friends and eating ice cream until she fell asleep.

At the concert, Brian was talking to his fans in between songs like always.

"Guys guess what... I have some really big news. Do you want to hear it?" He asked the crowd and they cheered.

"Well I'm here alone tonight, because my wife was too pregnant to come." Everyone cheered again. "You hear that motherfuckers? My WIFE is PREGNANT!" The crowd went wild. "We got married this weekend, how crazy is that? She's gonna have my baby in a few weeks, I'm gonna be a dad. I could talk about her forever but anyways here's Tourniquet." He went back to singing.

Back at home Brooklyn woke up to a strange feeling in her stomach. She immediately sat up and grabbed her belly. "What's going on in there babe?" She said rubbing her stomach. The strange feeling happened again. "Uh oh. You just hold on for 5 more weeks hun."

A few minutes went by until the strange feeling happened again. She didn't want to call Brian and make him come home from his show but she was starting to get worried. She decided to call the doctor instead to ask what he thought was going on.

"Well Mrs. Warner it sounds like braxton hicks contractions. It's nothing to worry about, it's pretty normal in the third trimester." The doctor said.

"So she's not coming anytime soon?"

"No she's staying put for now, hopefully we get to the 40 week mark. Think of these as practice contractions for the real thing."

"Okay, well that makes me feel better. Thank you doctor." She hung up.

It was getting late and Brooklyn figured Brian's show was over so she decided to call him.

"Tony Ciulla." Brian's manager answered the phone.

"Hi Tony is Brian available?" She asked.

"He's backstage with the guys do you want me to get him?"

"If he's not busy."

After a few moments, Brian answered. "Hey babe, I'm coming home in a bit."

"Okay, I didn't want to bother you but I had some contractions earlier, I just wanted to tell you."

"Contractions? Does this mean she's coming?"

"No, the doctor says they're braxton hicks, like practice contractions. Hopefully she won't be here for another 5 weeks."

"Oh, I almost got excited. Is everything alright though?"

"Yeah it's fine babe. They're normal, they haven't happened in a while so I think they're over for now."

"Alright, well I'll be home soon unless you need me now."

"No, do your thing. We're alright here."

"Okay, see you in a bit." He hung up.

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