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"We're on the way." Brooklyn said on the phone with Vinny.

"How close are you guys?" He asked.

"We'll be there in 5 minutes. I'm so fucking nervous Vin."

"It'll be alright, I got you, Brian's got you, we'll talk some sense into them."

"Thanks Vin, I'll see you in a minute." She hung up the phone.

Vinny went back into the family room.

"Was that Brooklyn? Is she almost here?" His mother asked.

"Yeah they'll be here any minute. Uhh, ma?"

"Yeah Vinny?"

"Is dad in a good mood today?"

"I guess so, why?"

"No reason." Vinny went to look out the front window. He saw Brooklyn and Brian pull up in a taxi and he went out to greet them.

"Oh my god, you're huge." Vinny said as he went to hug Brooklyn.

"Fuck off!" She hit his arm.

"Brian, you impregnated my sister, dude."

"Sorry about that." Brian laughed.

"All good, get in here." Vinny hugged him. "Congratulations guys, this is insane. You ready for this?" He asked Brooklyn.

"It's now or never."

"Well dad is in his office, I can get him if you want."

"No, I'd rather tell them separately." Brooklyn said. "Brian you should tell my dad."

"Why me? He's gonna kill me?"

"You did this to me!"

"We did this, we can tell him together. I need a witness for my murder."

"Fine, let's get this over with."

Vinny opened the front door to the house and went in first followed by Brian and then Brooklyn. They wanted to shield her from what was coming but they knew they call had to face it.

"Ma, they're here. They got something to tell you." Vinny announced.

They walked into the living room, initially Brooklyn wasn't visible until she went around the couch and sat down. Her mother just sat and stared at her.

"Mom, I'm pregnant. I wanted to tell you sooner but I figured you'd be mad so I kept it a secret and now I can't anymore."

Her mom just sat there silently. Then she stood up and hugged Brooklyn.

"Of course I wish you were married but how could I be mad about my first grandchild." She hugged Brian too. "You're officially in the family now."

Brooklyn sighed in relief. "I thought you were gonna disown me."

"No honey, I love you no matter what. Your dad probably won't take it so well, but I know you two will be good parents."

"Now can we have details? How far along are you? what's the gender?" Vinny asked.

"I'm 34 weeks, so almost 8 months, we actually haven't told anyone the gender yet." Brooklyn smiled at Brian. "Should we make them wait?"

"I think waited long enough, or at least I have to tell anyone." Brian said excitedly.

"Ok, well we're having a girl." Brooklyn said.

Her mom and brother both hugged her and Brian, they all talked excitedly about having a little girl running around in dresses and pink clothes to be Brooklyn's mini me.

"They say a daughter payback for your teenage years." Vinny teased.

"I don't know what you're talking about, I've always been a saint." She joked.

"Somehow I doubt that." Brian laughed.

When the laughter died out they all knew a shift in tone was coming.

"Are you gonna go tell dad?" Vinny asked.

"I guess so." Brooklyn sighed.

"Do you want me to go? He might be easier on you." Her mother offered.

"No, we got into this so we'll do it."

Brooklyn and Brian went to the home office where her dad spends most of his time and knocked on the door. "Dad?" She called.

"Come in honey." He said through the door.

She slowly opened it, he didn't look up from his work. She and Brian went in and sat down he still didn't look up.

"I'm sorry Brookie, I'm swamped right now. How was your flight?" He absentmindedly asked while pressing buttons on his cellphone.

"Dad... I'm pregnant." Brooklyn said, causing her dad to stop his frantic typing.

He slowly looked up at her, surprised at the sight of her large belly. "I see." He sat back in his chair.

"Dad we know it's not ideal but we're prepared for it and we're gonna make it work. Mom and Vinny know and they're excited for us, I hope you can be too."

"You're prepared?" He chuckled. "Brian can I have a minute with my daughter?"

Brian looked to Brooklyn for an answer.

"Give us a minute, babe."

He left the room.

"Yes, dad, we have everything we need. We have a new house, a car, a nursery with a crib and toys and clothes. Brian makes really good money doing music, we're gonna be okay."

"Brooklyn, you're not thinking. You keep saying "we have this" and "we have that" but as far as I can see, everything is his. Brian makes the money so he buys everything, Brian has a house and Brian has a car, you don't. If he decides to leave you, then what do you have? Just a baby. Do you see my concern?"

"Dad I understand but he's not going to leave me. Even if he did, don't forget I'm my father's daughter. I signed the lease for the house too, I never sold my car, and I have a savings account that Brian doesn't know about. Not only that but I have my lawyer working on a prenup as we speak, I'm smarter than you think."

Her dad smiled proudly. "Oh Brookie, I'm so proud of you. What did I always tell you? I always said have a backup plan and a fantastic legal team, I'm glad you took it to heart."

"I said we were prepared, and I meant for anything. Me and the baby will always be taken care of, one way or another."

"Well then... I have nothing else to say but congratulations. I'll skip the lecture about how you should've been married, it's too late now but just get on that asap." He stood up to hug her.

"Thanks dad, I'm happy you're taking it well."

"Oh I'll still have my word with Brian, he's not gonna get away with deflowering my daughter."

"Oh my god, just take it easy on him." She laughed and left her father's office.

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